Chapter 2

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Thank you all for your positive feedback!

Also I was thinking about the cast and I didn't want to put pics up for the kids. I wanted you to picture how you think they would look...But I am gonna post new pictures of my regular cast.

So the picture up top is Blake Johnson played by Kellan Lutz!


Aiden Pov~

We did a number on those guys but I was still angry. I wanted to punch something else!!!! How could they think they can do something to our little sister!!! It's like some people lose brain cells or something! The whole car ride back it was silent. It was Lucas, Jacob, Ariel, and I. I was driving and I was trying my hardest to control my temper.

That's one of my weakness, my temper.

"Bro, you need to calm down."Jacob said. He was sitting in the front seat and he kept staring at my hand on the wheel.

I looked over at my hand and saw I was clutching so hard my knuckles where turning white.

I took a deep breathe and loosened my grip. I was happy to see the Pack house come into view. Well 5 miles back you could see the Pack house that's how big it is. I pulled into the garage and turned the ignition off. No one got out the car, they all just stared at me.

"What!" I snapped.

"Nothing." They all murmured and quickly got out the car.

I sighed and grabbed my backpack and got out the car. Ariel held the door open for me seeing as everyone went inside already.

We walked in and took the elevator to the main floor. Mom had asked us to meet in the living room after school.

"What do you think is going on?" Ariel asked.

"I don't know. But mom did seem happy." I said.

"Oh lord please don't be pregnant again." Ariel groaned.

I chuckled and we walked into the living room.

Mom and dad stood there with Uncle Xavier Aunt Chloe and our cousin Mark, and the twins Gabriel and Gregory. My grandma Maria and Annabelle swarmed us, in a suffocating hug.

"My grand babies are all grown up." Grandma Ann said.

"Ok Anna, leave the boy alone." Grandpa Daniel said prying grandma off of me.

"It's not everyday, I get to see my grand babies Daniel." She reprimanded him.

I laughed and gave both my grandpa's hugs.

Mark walked over to me smiling "Look at little Aiden!"

I smiled back and we gave eachother a man hug.

"How are you Mark?" I asked.

"Doing great. Loving the single life." He said chuckling.

"Yea well you not young no more." I said smiling.

Gabe and Greg walked over and I said my hellos.

"Oh come on I am not that old." He defended.

"Your 26. Thats not young either." Gabe said slapping him on the back.

My dad spoke up after awhile "Alright, you are all free to go about your business, but dinner is at 8." He said and everyone dispersed.

My dad stopped Logan and Lucas and told them "Behave."

The nodded and left, not like they will listen anyway.

I felt my angry subside and my mom was eyeing me like a hawk. I swear she knows every emotion that her kids feel.

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