Happy bithday trouble -jane

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Y/n PoV:
I gotta make sure everything is perfect for janes birthday I can't mess this up "Evie towels and presents" I yelled. "Got it Y/nn all set" she hollered perfect okay okay breathe Y/nn you got this, "never land you okay buddy" jay said laughing using my nickname. My father is Peter Pan he got banished to the aisle for being mischievous and as did I even though I'm not like him. "Sorry I just want her birthday to be perfect" I said grabbing the cake a piece was missing "fuck who got into jane's cake" I yelled upsettingly. Fuck fuck fuck she gonna be mad "sorry Y/nn" the villain little kids  said I just nodded "it's fine Evie luckily has a backup one" I said thanking the blue haired girl for being organized. Just then we heard a commotion outside "whoa mal Audrey" Evie said shocked Audrey looked at us smirking. "I love to stay and chat but I got a birthday party to crash have fun with grandma here I need to get a present" she said before using the scepter to spell me towards her. "Y/n no" Evie yelled but Audrey grabbed me and we disappeared in smoke, once away I was tied up and gagged with a blindfold.
Jane PoV:
I waited and looked for Y/n but they haven't shown up yet "missing someone janey" chad said ugh he's so annoying worse since Audrey left him. "No they don't do birthdays on the aisle so Y/n and the gang probably don't celebrate them" I said worried Y/n is never late she's Peter pans daughter she flies at the speed of tinker bell. "Or she forgot probably oh well" he said walking away I tried to stay positive just then smoke appeared "oh Jane happy birthday" Audrey yelled throwing Y/n tied up to the ground. "Y/nn" I said but Jane held a scepter up "ah ah ah you can't have presents without your birthday song" she said chad ran over "Audrey hey you look amazing you need a sidekick boyfriend or lackey to do your bidding" he asked pathetically. "You can be of use to me okay stand behind me grab Y/n to" she said he picked her up and she tried to get away. "Happy birthday to you" Audrey sang walking and putting everyone to sleep "happy birthday to you" she sang again. "Happy birthday dear Jane" damn she's creepy shit the lake water I gotta get in before I'm spelled. I jumped in while Audrey didn't look I saw Y/n and my heart broke they disappeared and I popped up. I gotta get help she took Y/n I ran out of the water grabbed enchanted lake water just in case hold on baby I'm coming.
Mal PoV:
After we lost Y/n we went to the aisle and luckily I changed back to myself I got the ember and we raced back to Auradon. Unfortunately uma and her pals decided to tag along I was worried about Y/n I never seen Audrey this way, but I know my moms scepter it turns you. We saw everyone either asleep or turned to stone "I can't reach Ben or Jane" mal said "I can't reach Lonnie either" jay yelled. I saw Jane running "Jane hey uh listen bad news" I said but she cut me off "Audrey has Y/n they took her I'm freaking out idk what to do and I" she said worried I calmed her down. "Let's find Ben maybe he knows where Audrey would of gone to" Evie said everyone walked through the halls.
Y/n PoV:
Watching chad be a slave is pathetic honestly I don't hate the guy I feel sorry for him having to change to impress a girl who doesn't bat an eye. " ugh they got past my knight trap" she said walking to chad angrily "come clean chad what's up" I just rolled my eyes I hope Jane"s okay idk if the spell got her to. Chad pissed off audrey she kicked him in a room closet and locked it he screamed like a girl sad. "Well you pretty thing we have to go come on" she said dragging me away again ugh this is never gonna end.
Jane PoV:
I managed to get into the forest to head towards the school I heard talking and movement I looked to see the guys fighting off a bear? Oh shit it's Ben I grabbed the water gun and sprayed it at him he slowly turned back to a Prince. "Jane hey" Carlos said hugging me "Y/n is gonna be so happy you're okay once we save her". I nodded after hook's miserable attempt to flirt and get scared when he realizes who girlfriend I am we raced to Evie's house to find a plan and way to get Y/n back and stop Audrey.
Y/n PoV:
Something happened that's weird Audrey had a change of heart, she dropped me back off outside the house of Evie's. I went to holler but she put a sleeping spell on me, "I don't know why I'm saving you maybe I liked you who knows bye" she said disappearing and I fell asleep thinking of Jane I hope she's okay.
Mal POV:
I heard a sound and saw Y/n tied up on the ground hoping she was asleep before I could race to her the house got boarded up. "What's going on" Cecilia asked I just calmed her down uma holding her hand I spoke up and said a spell it didn't work Uma grabbed my hand and our magic together broke it. Once done we ran outside and I noticed Y/n was sleeping, Uma carried her in and laid her on the other couch. "I hope everyone's okay" I said just then I heard Cecilia holler "hey it's your bae", we all ran outside I saw Jane, Carlos, Harry, Gil, Jay and ben all running I raced to him holding him close. "Jane we found Y/n, but she's been put to sleep" I said she looked sad and nodded. "Maybe true loves kiss can wake her up like with Doug" Evie said she looked nervous but nodded I showed her where Y/n was and stood back watching.
Jane POV:
Okay okay true loves kiss and break the spell, but what if she doesn't love me back I'll be crushed no think positive. I walked in and she was sleeping peacefully so beautiful I thought I leaned down rubbing the side of her face "here goes" I said I gently kissed her lips nothing happened at first until I felt her kissing me back. SHe opened her eyes and smiled "hey Janey Jane" she giggled I smiled hugging her close it worked I can't believe it worked. "You love me" she said smiling I nodded giving her another kiss "I love you to", idk what gonna happen but I do know I love her and I'll do anything to keep her safe.

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