He carried my bags for me up to the house, their doors pretty much always unlocked because if you make it through the gate then clearly your intended to be there. I heard a bark echo throughout the house before a Rottweiler came running over to me, I crouch down with a smile as I stroke him. "Hi baby", I coo

Romeo pants excitedly as I rub his ears

"Hey, that's way more love than you've ever given me" Travis says to his dog unimpressed

I laugh, "He loves me more obviously"

I hear a gasp, "Is she here?"

"Mom, chill. Don't freak her our" I hear Mia say amused

"Pfft, well don't keep us waiting" Trav calls out

Now when I tell you his mom was beautiful? She was beautiful

Her hair was so beautifully blonde and long and she looked so young. I'm talking clear skin, perfect teeth and perfect smile. I also noticed that she was pierced up, but not like in a freaky way, I meant she had up to her like her fourth hole on both ears, industrial, nose piercing too. Travis mentioned she's a professional piercer.

I get up, smiling shyly. "Hi mrs Jones"

To my surprise she hugs me, "Hey sweetie"

She pulls away but keeps contact, "I'm so glad we're finally meeting Adriana. Trav goes on about you all the time and I've been nagging at him to invite you over to sleep round"

"Oh really?", I look at my boyfriend as I ask this

"Course I talk about you", He grins

aw, he's so precious

"Indeed he does. And sweetie call me Freya, the whole misses thing makes me feel old"

I laugh a little, "Ok sure"

"Where's dad", Travis asks

"Good question. Mike come downstairs!", She calls out before turning back to me

"You want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm ok for now"

Truth is I'm actually hungry but I couldn't bring myself to say yes

"Mmk well pantries all stocked up for when you are, I love to cook so don't even sweat about asking me to make you something to eat and the bars on the other side of the house. Trav told me you like to drink so"

I widen my eyes a little as I hit him subtly, Freya laughs a little. "Don't worry honey we all do, although I am a responsible mom so if you do drink tonight then you can't drive and I know you teens like to have a little fun so if it comes to that then just stomp real loud from upstairs and I'll blast some music-

"Ok mom, stop talking" Mia advises

I almost gaped a little from everything Freya just said, I mean she's just so chill and kind.... all things that Isabella wasn't.

"What?-... Mike, finally"

"I had a work call.", He then turns to me and smiles

"Nice to meet you Adriana"

"You too"

"We should be thanking you actually, you've turned this little fucker into a man-

"Mike the swear jar. Five dollars" Freya reminds him

"Oh shit that started today?"

"Yes, now thats ten"

I laugh and Mia rolls her eyes at her parents playfully, they're like a teenage couple but in a good way. Mike also looks young, Mia did tell me that they had her when they were seventeen so it makes sense.

AdrianaWhere stories live. Discover now