|03| June's choice

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My brother opens the kitchen cupboard as I scribble down a few notes in my homework book, I hear the sound of plates. "What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry" Matty replies

I take off my glasses, "Don't eat that pasta, it's off"

He scrunches his face as he looks back at it

"I'll get Enzo to order"

"Pizza?" He asks

I get up, "Sure"

Todays been pretty boring, we've all just had a chill day at home instead of going to school. I tuck my phone into my back pocket before going upstairs and reaching for my older brothers door, "Yeah she'll tell me and Zo everything but if somethings really bothering her then she'll keep it to herself, she doesn't like trusting other people. It's clearly a trait she picked up after June decided to dump her as a friend"

I narrow my eyes as I look through the crack in the door, he's on FaceTime with Sienna.

Carmen left yesterday morning, she went to some camping trip without telling dad so she's in for it when she gets back. I just don't get why she does this to herself all the time, then acts surprised when mom and dad get mad.

My brother sighs as he sits up on his bed, "Yeah I get you"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know I just have a feeling that somethings off.... She's been acting weird"

"Weird is an understatement"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, everything was fine yesterday but I feel like maybe she got into an argument with Carter"


Enzo looks up after noticing me, "Si let me call you back"

"You better"

He smiles a little, "I will-.... Love you"

"I love you too"

The call ends as I fold my arms and he rolls off the bed, "What"

"Me and Matty wanna order food"

He opens the window before picking up a blunt along with a lighter, "So then order"

I roll my eyes, "I'm hinting at you"

Enzo lights the blunt, "I can see that"

"So can I have thirty dollars?"

"I'm tired of you and Santi pretending to be broke, pay for your own shit"

"But I am-

"I've seen your bank account, and don't act like dad doesn't give you money weekly"


"So no?"

He looks at me before looking back at his phone and I roll my eyes before leaving his room and shutting the door behind me.

It was worth a try

I decided that I didn't want to be the one to pay for the pizza so I just decided to wait until Daniel got here, hoping that I would have better luck with him. But then when I walked into the kitchen hours later it looked like my family had other plans

"What's going on"

"Food, what does it look like" Daniel snorts

"I thought we were ordering?"

"Think again, family dinner"

I look back at dad, "But I told you that Rachel was coming over-

"And I'm telling you that she can't come over today"

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