|04| One man down

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So it turns out for the rest of the day Carmen was working. My guess is that Carters mom lied to dad and said that she went to babysit straight after school, I suppose it worked since dads in a good mood. She came home at around 8:55 when we were setting the table.

I pass the forks around and Lola sets them down, Santi and Enzo sort the plates out. "Adri"

"What" I reply to my twin

"Carmens coming back soon"

"Really? No way"

Enzo also looks up, "That means be nice"

"I'm always nice" I scoff

Lola leans over to place a jug of water down, "Mmm debatable"

I roll my eyes before sitting down, everyone eventually does too

We hear the front door shut, "How was work?"

Carmen shrugs off her jacket before muttering, "Fine"

"You're just in time for dinner"

"I already ate at Melissa's"

Lola looks back at her

"At least sit with us" Dad replies

"I'm tired"

"You'll get your phone back"

Carmen sighs and Santi gives me a look as she follows dad into the room, Matty smiles at her as she takes a seat.

"Pass me the pasta" I say to Enzo

He hands it over and we all start to serve ourselves, "What time did you start today?" Mom asks our sister

"Three thirty"

Yeah right

Lola frowns with confusion, "So then.... Where were you the whole day?"

Enzo looks up from his plate before giving her a look, almost as if it to say keep quiet

I see Carmen mouth 'shut up' at her from the corner of my eye, our little sister doesn't quite catch on.

Dad frowns, "What are you talking about"

"She wasn't at school-

"Dude" Carmen scoffs

He back looks at her, "Carmen"

"You just don't know when to shut up do you" She says annoyed

Lola looks at her apologetically

"Why is it Lola's fault you weren't in school" I say amused

Santi kicks me from underneath the table, "If I'm talking to you then I'll look at you" Carmen responds with irritation

"Jeez" I mutter

Forget what I said, my sisters a bitch. Santi's the only reason I'm choosing to stay silent right now

"Why didn't you go to school?" Dad questions

She scoffs, "Because"

"Because what" He demands

"Because of shit"

"Everybody's got shit going on, don't use that as an excuse" Mom intervenes

"Oh trust me mother, your high blood pressure is just karma coming back to bite you in the ass"

Santi gapes, Matty widens his eyes, Enzo just sighs and I don't even react since I'm used to it already.

She narrows her eyes, "How can you say that to your own mother"

AdrianaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora