|05| POV

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She looked lifeless

Machines were hooked up to her body and everything, even in her rest she looked broken. I spent the first five minutes of my visit thinking about how we haven't been ok for the past few days, I've been a total bitch for nothing at all. I can't even imagine what my reaction would be if I found out that she died when we weren't at a good stage. "Why hasn't she woken up" I hear Matty ask quietly

"God only knows" Lola whispers as she continues to stare at our sister

The machine beeps once more

"I don't get it, so your telling me she just fell?" Dad frowns

Another beep

Carter doesn't even look at any of us, all he replies with is. "Yes"

"She's not waking up" Daniel says

"Give it time" Mom replies

The machine beeps again and dad shuffles his chair closer to the bed after noticing Carmens hand twitch, "Mi hija" He says softly

Her eyes open slowly and I feel relief flood through me as she finally blinks, for a moment I thought we lost her. She looks around at us all before frowning with confusion, "Dad?"

He sits back with relief, "You were out for a long time" Mom tells her

"What happened?"

"Carter says you fainted" Lola says quietly

She finally looks at him, "Oh"

The door opens before any of us can even question her and a doctor walks in, "Carmen Rodriguez?"


"My name is dr Gomez and we have your test results"

I thought that if you faint doctors just give you water and send you home, why did they need to test her?

Daniel narrows his eyes, "What caused her to pass out?"

"Well the bottom line is, her body hasn't been receiving the correct amount of food. We took a blood test and it turns out that the only thing she's had in the past forty eight hours is caffeine along with some coke"


I've never been more shocked and confused. I mean how can you function without food? Why would anyone forcefully not eat...... why would Carmen not eat

We all look at her with complete shock, "Carmen why?"

A shield of tears cover her eyes as she plays with the tube on her hand, "C I think you need to tell them" Carter finally says

She shoots him a look, one that we all catch onto. "Wait a minute tell us what" Enzo scoffs


"What is it?" Mom asks


Carmen grips onto her hair stressfully, "Carter I swear to God-

"Carmen doesn't eat, and when she does it's once a day-

"Shut up!"

He gives her an apologetic look before looking back at our parents, "She gets tired quite a lot of the time and I've been trying to help her for the past few weeks.... Obviously I didn't realise that it's more serious than I thought, she might have an eating disorder" He says the last part quietly

Eating disorder

I just-..... my thoughts can't even form into one. My sister-.... She could have an eating disorder and this entire time I never caught on. I mean I just don't get it, every time I see her with food she eats it.... And her plate is always empty at the end of our meals. This just doesn't make sense, for how long? Why?

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