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I woke up so suddenly

And for a moment I had wondered on whether what just happened was real or not because it felt absolutely real. However I think I soon realised that it was all dream.

The sun rays shine through the curtains and onto my face, "It's the morning" I whisper with a frown

Desperately I look around for my phone, in hopes to find out what the time is.... Or at least what the date is. Finally I spot it buried in the comforter, "Lola!" I shout

"What!" She calls out over the water running from the bathroom

My screen lights up and I widen my eyes as the words Thursday 25th December appear.

"It's Christmas...."

The bathroom door opens and my sister walks out with wet hair and a robe on, "Duh"

I continue to sit there staring at my phone, processing a lot of things. "This was my future" I whisper with realisation


I look up before shaking my head quickly, "I mean is-.... This is what-... never mind"

"Are you feeling ok?" She says confused

I get up, "Yes I am. Merry Christmas Lola"

"Uhhh thanks?"

"Where's dad? Where is everyone?-

"Relax, everyone's sleeping. Are you sure you're ok?" My sister says amused

I put on my socks, "Breakfast. I'll shower and then make some, wanna help?"

"Not really-

"Fine then I will"


So I pretty much showered and then put on another pair of pyjamas, Christmas ones. I have no clue on how I'm feeling right now, I'll admit I'm still a little creeped out about that little Scrooge moment that I had.

However, real or not I'm choosing to take it as a lesson

But back to reality, breakfast is done....I think it's safe to say that I made quite a lot.

"Woah", Sienna says as she comes down the stairs

Enzo follows down behind her with his eyebrows raised, "Who did all this-

I turn around with a spatula in hand, "We've got waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, croissants from Walmart, fruit bowl, Nutella, and cereal if you're still not full" I point at each as I name them

The rest of my siblings come down the stairs, Enzo's still shocked. "This was all you?" Daniel says surprised

"I mean I know you said you were gonna make breakfast but damn, this is a lot" Lola says shocked

I shrug with a little smile, "I try not to brag"

One thing about me is I absolutely love to bake and cook. And I know I seem like a pretty laid back girl but if I'm not bitching and complaining then I'm in the kitchen, Santis probably the only one that notices that.

"This is...-

"Impressive" Sienna finishes Enzo's sentence

I look around expectantly, "Where's mom and dad"

Santiago starts to pass the plates around, "Dad dropped you home last night and then went back"


I think it would've been wrong for him to stay here. The recovery facility is definitely where he should be, if anything Carmen needs him the most right now. "And mom?" I question

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