|09| Seizure

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Not even a whole week and we're back in this place

Santi sits there frowning at his twin, he's asked so many times what's wrong with her but only Daniel and I know. We spoke with the doctors and thankfully our sister is going to be ok, it looks like she got lucky today.

"When will she wake up?" Matty asks

"We would know the answer if these two dickheads would speak up and say what's wrong", Santi looks back at us annoyed

"She's gonna be fine" Daniel replies, trying not sound irritated

Our brother then looks at me, "What your not gonna talk"

I sit there with my hand over my mouth, I can't stop thinking about Adrianas stupid decision. Not long ago we were here for Carmen when she passed out, I mean why does it always have to be our sisters.

Santi shoves my arm, "Hey-

I slap him away, "Don't fucking touch me"

"Tell me what's wrong!-

I leave the room

At around that time Lola comes rushing into the hospital doors with Sienna, I'm not sure where they've been but that's about the least of my worries right now

"Sorry we were out-

Ignoring my sister, I drag Sienna by the arm so that we're standing away from Adris room. Si already looks upset, at least she knows that she's in the wrong. "Before you talk-

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I snap

"I'm sorry ok?-

"Not only do you give her heroin but you give her a whole vial of it, are you insane?!"

"She promised me she wouldn't use it all in one go"

"What and you fucking believed her" I scoff

Sienna sighs, "It was stupid I know. I'm sorry-

"Keep your mafia shit away from my sister" I say seriously

If my girlfriend wasn't annoyed before then she is now, "Ok I get that I made a mistake but don't go pinning me as apart of the mafia. You buy your shit from my cousin too and now all of a sudden you wanna act like a fucking ass hole-

"Yeah I buy from him. Adriana is sixteen or have you forgotten that-

"No I have not-

"And not only did you give her heroin but you give it to her with a needle, the most dangerous way to take it of all" I scoff

"Stop fucking shouting at me-

"I'll shout if I like!" I snap


The door opens and we both look back, "She's awake" Matty tells me

"We're coming-

"No" I say as the door shuts, she frowns at me

"Don't bother coming in"

Sienna scoffs, "What?"

"You heard me"

Yeah it hurt me seeing that I hurt her with that comment, but at the same time I was too mad to care about her feelings in that moment. My sister had a seizure for fuck sake..... a seizure.

My anger was justifiable

I wipe my eye a little before frowning and reaching for my hair, "Ew"

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