"And I want you to know about it" I said picking up that picture from bed.

"Tell me, what changed? " he asked lovingly caressing my head.

"After the boards exam three of us apply for the same college. Viraaj father asked him to go to abroad but he denied him and at last he was ok with his decision" Ansh continue caressing my hairs and encourage me to share more with his eyes.

"We got accepted in the same college. I was so happy about it that I'll be there with my best friends. One week before we started our college Viraaj asked me to come at our usual place as he wanted to celebrate"

"But when I went there, he confessed his feelings to me. I was so shocked to even react because in my whole existence I never thought Viraaj likes me romantically"

"Then? " Ansh asked as I stopped in middle.

"Then I told him, I can't see him like that. So he said we can at least date but I denied because I knew I can never ever see him like that."

"It hurt me so much when he silently cried on his knees because of me."

"It hurted Ansh to see him in tears because of me. It still hurts a lot"

"But I clearly said no to him because I didn't wanted him to hurt him more with false hope. "

"I asked him to forget all of that and be like before because I thought it'll be ok and maybe he was just attracted towards me but I was wrong"

"That never happened"

"After that he moved abroad and came back for the first time today"

"I broke my promise Ansh. I make him cry. I hurt him" I said crying again. Ughh...Why these tears aren't stopping.

"His mother tru...trusted me but I broke.. Broke it Ansh" I said hiccuping.

I hid my face in Ansh neck while crying and crying and crying.

He let me cry for sometime but then get up from the bed and move out side the room.

"Where are.. you taking me" I asked with hiccups. And he silently moved towards kitchen.

"Drink this" Ansh said giving me a glass of water after he make me sit on one of the kitchen slab.

"You are crying? " I asked looking into his eyes when I regain my senses.

"It's fucking hurts to see you in tears" he said blinking his eyes twice or maybe thrice.

I smile listening to him and it feels super light after letting things out.

"Sorry, I just couldn't control my tears" I said feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed jaan, I'm happy you share all those things with me" he said and I nodd.

"Now mi'lady smile please" he said cheering me up.

Hmm, I should used this opportunity.

"Remove your T-shirt first" I said and he lift his eyebrows in amusement.

(Your mood switch faster than light Reva)

It's not even possible, light's speed is too fast, so shut up dear consciousness.

"Remove it" I said pulling him by his t-shirt towards me.

"Sure" he said removing his t-shirt like a good boy.

(Damn! Jump on him. He looks so hot)

"Yes, you look so hot" I said and bite my tongue immediately. I answer my consciousness aloud right?

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