Chapter 38

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Reva's pov

I woke up listening to some sound. I sit up rubbing my eyes and it takes me a moment to rewind how Ansh makes me sleep. I look towards the couch where Ansh was typing something on his laptop and trust me just looking at his face all those not so decent deeds that he did with me run back to my mind turning my face red making me feel chilly shivers. He is so fucking perfect at it.

"You wake up" he said looking at me and i just nodded.

"What time it is?" I asked to him and he stand up.

"It's almost evening" he said coming towards me.

"Oh! I sleep for so long" I said looking at the watch which is saying it's four twelve of post meridiem.

"No worries, I made you tired" he said with a smile caressing my hairs with a smile and God knows what came over me I just snuggle into him like a cat and hugged him tightly.

"You maybe hungry" he said hugging me back and I nodd. Well of course I'm hungry. Sleeping takes a lot of energy.

"I prepared food" he said lifting me up and then I noticed that I was just in his shirt. (Helllll..... Noooo) . He literally saw me in my birth suit but still I'm feeling  embarrassed.

"Ansh" I took his name and he looked at me.

"I.. I want to change" I said and he smile looking at my face.

"Really? " he asked raising an eyebrows and I again nod against his chest. I don't how he even understand my nodding answers.

"But I think you are looking super hot in my shirt" he said and I hit his chest while blushing.

"Ok you go and change till then I set the food"  he said gently dropping me on metress and then kiss my forehead. He went out of the room and I instantly walked towards the washroom.

After changing into comfortable pajamas I went to the dinning area where Ansh was waiting with the food and his focus was on his phone screen. I went to sit beside him but he instantly pulled me into his lap. I blushed while making myself comfortable there because I like that seat. (Ahem Ahem..)
He served both of us food in one plate like he do most of the time when we are alone. My stomach grumbled at the sight of food and I start eating.

"Ansh let m.. me eat" I said to him as he suddenly start peppering baby kisses behind my ear and neck. He stop while chuckling and going to eat but then my phone which was inside our room start ringing.

"I'll get that for you" he said making me sit on chair and then went for my phone.

"Who is it? " I asked as he came back and in response he accept the call while putting it on speaker.

"Hi, is this Reva Kholi from literature department"the caller speak and I stop eating.

"Yes, I'm" I replied.

"Congratulations Ma'am, I'm speaking from the admin cell of DHU. You have been selected for the Italy scholarship program. I'll send you the whole details on your e-mail address.Thank you. " the speaker said and I couldn't believe on what I just heard.

"Thank you" I speak slowly as the speaker cut the call. Is this happening for real. I I have been selected. I looked at Ansh and jumped on him hugging him with happiness.

"Ansh, you listened that I have been selected" I said hugging him more tightly. Going Italy was my dream. I always wanted to visit there that too on my own and finally it's happening. Every year my university provide different types of scholarships including foreign ones to the students and their mentors to learn new things.

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