Chapter 15

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Reva's Pov

The whole week passed quickly as today is Friday. It's night and I am waiting for Ansh. We don't talk much these days as he was busy with his new project and I spent my whole day in university and rest with maa papa and Anvi because we are moving out tomorrow morning.

He noticed my behavior but didn't said anything I guess he understands. I heat the food waiting for him as everyone else already had dinner. Sometime before he messaged me that he'll be at home in fifteen minutes.

After some minutes he came as he said. He walked towards me in his office attire looking like a snack (ahem..ahem Reva no don't think like that). His hairs was messy, God knows how many times he ruffled them. He came near me and to my surprise hugged me without saying a word,I too hugged him back, he seems so tired.

"Husband" I called him after two or more minutes while caressing his back softly as he was not leaving me.

"Go and change, food is ready"

I said and he just hummed at my suggestions.

He leaves me after sometime and walked to our room. I set the food on the table and wait for him.

He came after changing his clothes and sit beside me. He start eating without saying anything as I already served him. I too start eating and he served me more. We both ate in silence but it was a good type of silence not the awkward one.

We both came to our room after dinner and I went to washroom to change in my night clothes. Ansh again hugged me tightly as I came out.

"What are you doing" I asked to him hugging him back.

"Hugging my wife" he said making me smile.

"I am sorry" He said after sometime.

"Why" I asked.

"I don't spent enough time with you this week, i was too busy but now it's done"

He explained still hugging me.

"Then I am sorry too"

I said and he detached himself from me.

"Why ?" he asked taking my both hands in his.

"I also don't spent that much time with you" I said and he took my face in his palms.

"Don't need to be sorry my jaana ,I know you wanted to spent your time with our family. You did a good job ".

He said smiling and kissed my forehead making me feel a whole zoo in my stomach. We didn't kiss since our carnival date and to be honest from last two or three days I am thinking a lot about kissing him. Yes I want to kiss him so badly. I don't know why I just want to. I looked at his lips consciously then in his black pools.

"Let's sleep you seems tired and we have to wake up early tomorrow" I said teasing him as he too looked at my lips.

"Ok"  that's all he said with a smirk before picking me up and dropping on bed gently. Then he dim the lights and layed besides me and hugged me.


That's it!

Is he not going to kiss me?

"Husband" I called him.

"Yes " He replied without looking at me.

"Listen to me" I called him again to gain his attention.

"Yes, I'm all ears, what is it?" He asked and I can clearly see his smirk. This husband of mine knows definitely knows what I want.

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