Chapter 34

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This chapter contain mature stuff so don't read if you don't like smut.

Reva's pov

Intimacy a feeling when you feel extreme closeness with someone in every sense and for me that someone is my husband with whom I feel more than enough attachment emotionally and now I want to feel it physically too without any gap between us. Skin to Skin.

Yes you guys guess it right! I'm planning to summit him myself and making him summit to me completely tonight. After thinking a lot of I just reached to the conclusion that my man can wait however long I want him to but now I don't want us to wait anymore. So I vanished all my insecurities and clear every doubt I was having about us. And now I'm ready to take another step in this relationship with full confidence.

I'm blushing like a manic today because I planned it like a surprise for him due to which the only thing that ran in my mind today during the whole wedding was how I'm going to ask him for this. Should I say 'I'm ready' Or 'let's do it'? No no it will make me look desperate.

He drove us back to our home after he saw me crying non stop on Khushi's vidaai ceremony. I can't help I just cry because I remembered my ceremony and parents. No doubt Ansh's family loves me like their own but still I missed maa papa a lot.

"Stay here and come to the room, right after one hour" I said to him with rapid heart beats giving a peck on his forehead and came to our room.

I take a shower with my favorite shower gel because it's scent is just so alluring and dressed myself into his favorite color and the anklets that he gifted me. I decorate the whole room with rose petals and candles so he can have an idea about my plans.

"Can I come in" he asked from outside and to say my heart was ready to jump out from my ribcage due to anticipation and nervousness would be a statement.

"Yes" I replied after a lil baby talk with myself. I close my eyes and clutch my saree by sides in fists with raging heartbeats as he turn the knob to came inside.

"wha.. " I opened my eyes to look at him when his words stopped in middle. He was looking surprised (ok! Plan successful). I follow his movements and first he scan the whole surroundings with those captive eyes of his and then they stopped at me making me gulp at my saliva. He isn't saying or doing anything but still my stomach was churning like anything and the those native butterflies of my stomach was doing jumba inside.

"Jaan you know what all of this is indicating? Right!" he asked again scanning the whole room. God! what's wrong with him even a blind man can tell what all of this is indicating if something narrate him the scene but this husband of mine. I decorated the whole room so he didn't question because I don't want to say it out loud but no every single time he needs words.

"Yes" I answered after taking a deep breath. I hope he get it now or I'm afraid my anticipation self would snap at him.

"Do you really wants to... I mean are you sure? " he speak again and I smashed my lips over his to show him with my actions because I guess his gentleman side will never going to understand in words.
But as my lips touched his he pulled back instantly and I feel a sudden pain in my heart.Why he pulled back like this? Didn't he want it? I look at the floor while tears welled up in my heart. To say I'm feeling hurt would be wrong because right now I'm feeling someone stabbed at my heart. I'm feeling embara...

"Stop right there at whatever you are thinking" he said softly snapping me out of my thoughts but i didn't look up.

"Look at me jaan" he said taking my face in his palms and a tear slipped from my left eye.

"There's nothing like that jaan"he said talking about my thoughts without even asking what I'm thinking and then wipe my tears taking me in his embrace.

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