party | conrad fisher x y/n 💋🥀

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lets take a moment to appreciate how beautiful our boy looks on the banner oml

inspiration and huge credits to @Jere_Fishers ( sorry the tags don't work for me ) for this idea, most of it will be based off their story ( the main plot basically so thank u x)

HUGE TW: ASSAULT  and mentions of  r**e ( the word, not from conrad!)

 (you may skip over it if you'd like to, i did add where it starts and ends, but its a large part of the story, so skip if you'd like x)


I hated parties. Every single one I've been to ended up with me in my tear stained outfit, crying in one of the bathrooms, and every single time I'd wished I hadn't been there. This was no different.

The loud music blasted in my ears as Conrad's hand led me through the crowd.

I didn't plan on coming here, but my mother and Susannah were going out to watch an old 1950s movie, and Jere, Belly and Steven went with Taylor to go late night shopping.

Apparently my mother thought it would be safer to have Conrad bring me to a party than to let me stay home alone.

So there I was, in Kiara Quince's parents' house. I already disliked the smell around me.

"Y/n! Babes! Come dance with us!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see a pale redhead looking at me smiling wide. I didn't remember her from anywhere.

"I'm actually gonna go get a drink, thanks though!" I shouted back to her.

I don't think she heard me but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there.

I made my way to the kitchen, not bothering to look for Conrad. He was probably busy making out with some girl.

The dining table was just as messy as the rest of the house, beer cans and throw up all over it. I gagged at the sight and tried squeezing my way to the back of the room.

                                                                        Tw section start!

As I finally found my way through the crowd, I felt a body close to mine. Too close. I turned around to see a guy smirking at me, a devilish look in his eye.

I tried smiling awkwardly and getting out of there, but I felt his hands wrap around me, pulling me closer to his hips. "You got a boyfriend, pretty girl?" My mind raced as I called Conrad's name. I was slowly losing hope. I panicked as I looked around and felt his hips swaying to the music that slowly faded in my mind. "Conrad!" I yelled once more, my eyes slowly clouding with tears. I felt my heart beating loud in my chest. My lungs were about to explode.

I closed my eyes and imagined I was elsewhere.

"Get off of her, man!" I took a long sigh of relief as I let this familiar voice fill my ears.

"Dude,chill." I heard him say as his hands fell off my hips.

I felt Conrad's arm wrap gently around my shoulders. "Are you okay? I'm here, don't worry." I heard him tell me, a comforting but panicked tone to his voice.

My mind wasn't working properly, my heart still thumping in my chest, I placed my hand over Conrad's, steadying my breathing as we walked out the door onto the lawn.

                                                                            Tw section end!

He opened the passenger's side door and I sat down, my eyes following him to the driver's side. I closed my eyes and tried taking my mind off what had just happened.


By the time we had made it home, I had stopped breathing so heavily but I was still crying.

Conrad had held my hand the whole way home, but he didn't say anything.

I walked into the house and saw Susannah on the couch in the living room, knitting something. She heard my quiet sniffs and turned around to face us.

"Oh,dear. y/n, baby are you alright? Connie, what happened?"

"Hang on, mom."

He closed the door behind him and walked faster to catch up with me and grabbed my hand. He brought me upstairs to my room and sat me down, then kneeled down infront of me.

I felt his hand cup my cheek as his thumb wiped away the tears staining my face. I leaned my head into his hand as I blinked back tears to look at him.

The way he observed me, eyes filled with worry, care and fear, made me feel so much safer.

"I'm so sorry,y/n." he said first, eyes not leaving mine. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you."

"Connie," a wave of slight surprise filled his face, as I had never called him that before, "You came, that's all that matters to me."

"What did he do before I arrived?"

I sniffed once more. "He, um, kinda made me,um," I hesitated before saying, "grind on him." I almost choked back tears.

"Oh,y/n." Conrad's hand moved down to the back of my neck as he gave me a small hug.

He slowly pulled away. "I'm glad I came early enough, Kyle is known to never stop until he gets what he wants."

I looked back into his eyes. "So, you're saying I could've been, r*ped?", the last part came out more as a squeak.

I could tell Conrad was uncomfortable. He gave me a small nod before taking his hand off me and walking over to my dresser.

"My mom always says taking a shower helps clear your thoughts." he told me before grabbing a pair of sweatpants and socks and tossing them to me. "Wait here," he said sternly.

I nodded and waited for his return. He came back less than a minute later with my favorite hoodie of his in his arms. I gave him a warm smile as I tilted my head. He raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying yes, I know, thank me later. I gave him one more grateful smile.

I walked to my bathroom and looked at him like Are you gonna leave or? "I'll wait for you downstairs, okay?" he replied before walking out and closing the door. I smiled to myself as I walked into the bathroom.


After I had finished my shower and gotten dressed, I walked downstairs to see Susannah asleep on the couch. Conrad was probably in the kitchen making tea. I walked down and made my way to the kitchen to see him stirring cocoa powder into two mugs.

I smiled at him. "Hey." I said, making my presence known. He looked up then smiled and looked back down to keep stirring. "Hey." He put the spoon into the sink and grabbed both mugs then smiled at me. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Uh, sure." I replied, smiling back. We walked over and sat down, placing our mugs on the coffee table.

As soon as we chose a movie out, I layed back and felt Conrad's arm around me. It honestly felt like home to be near him. I scooched closer to him as he rested his hand on my shoulder, looking down to smile at me.

I fell asleep in Conrad's arms that night, and despite what happened earlier that day, I slept well, probably better than I've slept the past couple weeks.

I knew Conrad had turned off the TV when he saw my eyes closed and I felt him wrap a blanket around my body before he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. I smiled quietly.

Oh, what I'd do to stay with him like this forever.

a/n: holy crap i think this was prob my favorite chapter ive ever written, i hope u guys loved it as much as i did, n please feel free to point out any grammar/spelling mistakes x :) 

please please pelase vote n comment if you enjoyed my stories, it helps out a lot!

you are so so loved! have an incredible day x

x, rai

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