best friend | jeremiah fisher x y/n 💋

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fem!y/n x jeremiah fisher - fluff w/ VERY light lemon :)

In this universe, y/n conklin, steven and belly's sister, is in love with her childhood best friend, jeremiah, her whole life he only viewed her as a friend, or so she thought...

(a/n: wait that sounded so professional wattpad wise wtf)

And so our story begins:

I go down the stairs half asleep and almost trip on the last one, luckily i catch myself just in time.

"y/n?" i hear someone say from the kitchen.

I walk over to the doorway and see my best friend making some food, i check the clock.

10:04am. I squint around the room then ask:

"Where's everyone else?"

"Oh, they left for belly's deb ball practice, but i asked to stay and wait for you"

"Aw" i reply, "don't you have lifeguard duty though?"

"yeah but steven subbed for me since they had extra kitchen staff"

He placed the eggs on a plate and handed it to me. "Want breakfast?" i gave him a small smile, then took the plate and sat down, he then took his place next to mine. "Thanks." i said quietly.

I saw him form a small smile as he looked at me for a bit, then looked away.

We finished our food and I leaned on the counter.

"Hey jere?"


"Your hair looks funny."

"You've always had a way with words, y/n"

I laugh, then motion for him to come next to me so i could fix it. As i move a few strands around, i notice him looking at me then chuckle and ask, "What?"

"Nothing", he replied, "you just look nice today."

I smile and look at him. "Thanks". God, he's beautiful.

A text notification distracts me from my daydreams and i look to see belly's name and a message reading: 'Please come i hate it here'. I laugh.

"C'mon, lets go get my sister"


A few hours later, im laying on a chair at the pool next to Shayla, she's asleep but i cant stop stealing glances at my best friend. He looks hella fine shirtless. Snap out of it, y/n, you cant be in love with your best friend, he'd never like you back.

I look at him once more, and there he is, the love of my life, my best friend, looking at me with his gorgeous eyes and stunning smile. I laugh at him. He smiles wide. We both look at eachother for an instant until a loud bell rings, its time for the pool to close.

I wake up Shayla and we both pack up our stuff then walk over to the bar where we wait for the boys. Steven comes out first and tells us belly and conrad left because belly was tired, so it would be just them. I see jeremiah in the corner of my eye talking to some girl while leaning on a wall. I roll my eyes then turn back to the conversation. Steven and Shayla decide to go get ice cream and hang out, so i say goodbye then walk over to jeremiah. I take his arm and say "hey, you ready?" the girl glares at me then says goodbye to jeremiah and he's left there with me.

"Lets go, huh?" he says. I nod and walk into the parking lot. We find his car and sit down, i immediately grab my phone and check for new messages. I feel a pair of eyes glancing at me. "You're always on that thing, put it away and talk to me"

I sigh then put my phone down and look at him, then out the window. I still feel his eyes on the back of my head. I look at him and he doesent look away, he just stares at me. Theres something different in his eyes though, passion maybe, but for sure, i see love. I tilt my head a bit and look at him with the same eyes. I then chuckle.

"eyes on the road, mr unsafe driver" he sighs then looks forward. I slowly move my hand closer to him, hoping he'll notice. He steals a quick glance at my hand, then i notice him move his closer to mine. When i feel our hands touch i make a swift move so were holding hands and i look out the window. I feel him looking at me again.

I look at him, eyes full of adoration and i see a small smirk form on his face.



"I think" he hesitates "i think i really like you"

"i love you too, jer"

He looks at me smiling wide. I notice him lightly leaning in towards me. I squeeze his hand a bit.

"Pull over"

He does as i say then looks at me. "Now what?" he asks.

"do you want me to kiss you or something?"

He looks at me "i mean if you want t-" he gets interrupted.

God i have no idea how long ive wanted to kiss him and now its happening. I can feel a smile on his lips, i dont want it to ever stop. I move my hand to his shoulder and i feel his on my waist, pulling me towards him. I push myself up and climb into his lap, my thighs around his waist, my arms around his neck.

He slowly angles his head and i can feel him gently bite my lip. Damn, he's good. For a few minutes were both just making out in his car, our hands traveled everywhere, and im sure im in love with this man. I finally break away to breathe but keep my eyes closed. I can feel his heavy breathing on my neck. I slowly open my eyes to look at him and smile. I give him a quick kiss on the forehead then whisper " we should probably get home now." he chuckles, "yeah" he places one gentle kiss on my cheek and i sit back down on my side and look out the window.

I can feel him looking at me again. I smile.

You did it y/n l/n, i think to myself, you made out with jeremiah fisher.

I chuckle quietly.

"i love youuu" i hear him say. "I love you more, always and forever" i reply as i stare into his eyes and smile.



a/n: wellllllll this was my first lemon-ish?? I think i used a lotta words way too many times ( gentle, chuckle, smile etc) but hopefully you guys loved this, tbh my main plan was to just have them flirt ish and then hold hands in the car but the ( spoilers for szn 1) belly-cam makeout scene in the car kept replaying so yk. Anyways please please vote and comment if you enjoyed, feel free to check out any other books ive read cuz i have a lot, and also please follow if you enjoy my work <3 feel free to leave feedback below and requests on the first chapter! Thanks for reading

w/c: 1187

Date: 20/07/23

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