"I'm like, 8 hours post-op. What can I do?" 

"Rest, not think about me! Just let me be!" I said a little bit louder than I wanted to, but there's no going back now. She's about to match my tone, I can feel it. 

"Alright fine then. Leave, I don't care. Go to camp, spend time with our friends, I;ll see you in a few days." 

"Fine. Sounds fucking good to me. I'm leaving." 


I walked out of our room and slammed the door behind me, grabbing the stuff from the kitchen I needed and a snack. 

"Hey Morgana." Mal's mom said as I put my charger in my bag. 

"Hi Mrs. Pugh." 

"Everything alright? You look upset. Your face is all red." 

"I'm fine. Just worked up over leaving is all." 

"Need one of us to take you to the airport?" 

"I have a ride, but thanks. Is everything good here for you guys? Do you need me to show you where anything is or grab anything for your room?" 

"No thanks, honey. We're good. Everything's gonna be fine here." 

"Okay. I'll be home in a few days. Text me if you need anything at all." I put my bag on my back and headed to leave as we both said bye to each other. 

As I stepped out the door, I realized I didn't say bye to Mal, I didn't give her a kiss, I didn't tell her I loved her. But it's too late to turn around now. 


Ashley's POV

After Morgana told us she was on her way to the hotel, Trinity, Sophia and I sat there with our faces pressed against the glass until she got there. Hatchy waited with us, but sitting in a chair being boring. 

"There she is! I win!" Trinity yelled, which quickly got shushed by Hatchy. 

"I can't believe she came from that way. I would have bet my life this was where people got dropped off. From this way." Sighed Sophia, taking out her wallet and I did she same. We each gave Trinity a $10 bill as Morgana walked in. I noticed her eyes were slightly puffy and red, and she didn't have her usual bright and happy smile. Instead, when we all turned to look at us, she gave a sad half smile. 

"Hey guys." 

"Morgana guess what?" I asked excitedly. 

"What Ash?" She laughed a little bit, and I grabbed her hand, dragging her across the lobby. 

"We discovered a mouse hole over here. Watch this." I turned to look at Sophia, asking her for a chip from her hand. She gave it to me and I put it near the hole. "Now we wait." 

"How many hours did they spend doing this?" Morgana asked Hatchy with another little laugh. 

"Too long. I can't believe the lobby people didn't catch them yet." 

"They'd get kicked out." 

I gave Morgana a chip, and she put it in front of the hole. We waited a few minutes, everyone poking their heads in to see if the mice would come out. When they did, everyone started moving around trying to get the best view. 

"I hope there's no mice in my room." Morgana said, walking out of the group to grab her bag. "I'm exhausted. I can't wait to take a shower and go to sleep." 

"Don't be alarmed when you go in there, you have a new roommate." Hatchy said. 



"Alright. I'll see you all in the morning. I love you all." 

"Love you too Morgy." I said, giving her a hug. 

Everyone else did the same as she dug her key out of her sweatshirt pocket and headed for the elevator. 

"Was she okay?" Sophia asked, scratching her head. "She didn't look good." 

"She's probably sleep deprived." Said Trin. 

"And she's been through a lot the last two days. We're just gonna have to be there for her. That's all." Sighed Hatchy, picking at her nails, not looking up. 

"She didn't seem thrilled about sharing a room with Alyssa Thompson." I said. 

"They barely know each other. I can understand why it might be a little bit weird, and honestly she probably is just drained." Said Trinity.

"We're assuming a lot." 

"Educated assumptions, Ash." 

I nodded, and we all dispersed, going back to our own rooms. 

Timeless - Mal Pugh (Third book to Attached and My Cure)Where stories live. Discover now