Chapter 4: The Conversation

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Third person POV

You started to slowly wake up. You opened you're eyes to see an empty room. The lights were on outside the room so it must've been day time. 

Then you heard a voice say, "Good morning, sleepyhead! You were out for a while, it's already 11:30." You eyes widened. "11:30! How long did I sleep." You thought.

"How did you sleep? You looked so comfortable." He said with a smile. 

"I slept good, thank you for asking." You replied. 

"I wash your uniform while you were still asleep, so you can where it today. April is also going to by you some cloths so you don't have to wash it each day." 

"Thank you, Michaelangelo." You said as you stretched and yawned. 

"Oh also my brothers are eating breakfast. I made pancakes! So get ready quickly before they get too cold." 

You replied with a simple, "alright", picked up your cloths and headed to the bathroom.

When you got out of the bathroom, you realized that you didn't know where the kitchen was, so you started looking in different rooms until you found it. 

You looked in multiple different rooms until you heard a voice say, "What're you doing?"

Startled you look towards where the voice came from and you saw Leo. 

"Oh um I was just trying to find the kitchen. Nobody told me where it was and I couldn't find anybody." He looked at you suspiciously. You could tell he didn't believe you regardless if it was the truth.

"Alright." He said lifting a brow. "It's over to my left." He said I he walked off to what appeared to be his room. 

You walked in and saw Mikey making pancakes, and Raph and Donnie sitting at the table eating their breakfast.

"Oh good you're here! I forget I didn't show you where the kitchen was. Maybe after breakfast I can give you a tour!" He said happily. Raph and Donnie just stared at you, not wanting to tell you where everything is. 

"That would be nice." You said, heading to the table to sit down. Mikey placed the pancakes in front of you and you are them like you have been starving for days.

Raph and Donnie would occasionally stare at you, which made you uncomfortable. You quickly finish the pancakes, so you could leave. Once you did you got up to place the dishes in the sink and wash them. 

"Why are they being so nice?" Raph whispered to Donnie. "There probably just putting up an act so they can leave and then tell The Foot Clan about where our lair is. Don't let you're guard down." Donnie replied.

You could tell the were whispering about you, but you tried to look like you couldn't hear them, even though you did. "I'm going to go back to you're room okay." You said to Mikey as you walked towards the door. Then you felt someone grab your wrist.

"Wait why don't you stay. We can talk and get to know you better." He said hopefully.

"Oh I'm good it don't really want to-" "No stay it'll be fun." Raph said cutting you off. " Yeah, we would love to get to know you." You took a visible gulp and sat back down.

"So how are you?" Raph said looking at Mikey in the corner of his eye.

"I'm good." you replied. 

"That's great to hear." 

"Hey Mikey would you mind getting Leo, so he can get to know them better." Raph said, forcing a smile.

"Sure thing, Raph" Mikey said as he left to get Leo. Both Raph and Donnie watched the door as it slowly closed. The second it closed they went from nice to serious.

"Why were you all alone that night?" "Does The Foot Clan know where you are." "How come you slept so long?" "Were you up in the middle of the night." "Why are you being so nice, because if you think putting up a nice act is going to get you outta here, you got another thing coming."

Just then Mikey walked into the room. "Hey everyone, Leo said he was busy. You guys having fun?" He said happily. Everyone acted like nothing had happened before and that they were just having a nice friendly conversation.

"Oh yeah everything is good Mike!" Raph said as Donnie nodded. "Good to hear." Mikey responded, as he sat down next to you. You then tugged his arm to get his attention. He looked at you confused and then said "What's up?" You whispered in his ear so his brothers couldn't hear you. "Can I leave, please." You said in a soft voice.

He whispered back "Sure, why don't you go watch some TV in the living room and I'll be there shortly after." You nodded and got up to leave. You tried not to make eye contact with either of the brothers as you left, but you could tell they had confused looks on their face. 

When you left the room you could hear them all arguing. You didn't really care about what they were saying, so you just headed to the living room. You sat down on the couch and just stared at the TV. You realized you never really watched TV before because you lived on the streets your whole life. You also didn't know how to turn it on, so you just sat there waiting for Mikey.

You looked at the clock and about half an hour had passed. So it was about 1:00 p.m. Just then you heard Mikey enter the room. When he saw you he looked at you confused. You looked at him and asked "What's wrong, Michaelangelo?" You said copying the same confused face. 

"Well why are you just sitting there? I told you, you can watch some TV if you wanted. You didn't have to wait for me or anything." "I don't know how to turn it on." You responded hoping he wouldn't ask why.

He was still a little confused, but he sat down next to you and got the remote. He turned on the TV and said "is there anything specific you want to watch?" You replied witha simple, no. Then Mikey got an Idea on what to watch. "Do you like Lou Jitsu?!" 

"I don't know what a Lou Jitsu is." 

"He's only the most amazing action star of all time! He said with stars in his eyes. And he brought the movie up on the screen. 

The movie was a bit long you were about an hour and half into the movie, when you started to feel sleepy. It wasn't that you didn't like the movie you were just tired. You didn't know why though. You slept all of last night. And it's only 2:30!

Just then you eye lids began to get heavier and you drifted to sleep.


Mikey's POV 

The entire movie Y/N has been really quiet. Maybe they were just really enjoying it, I thought. Then I felt something touch my shoulder and it was Y/N.

They were asleep on my shoulder and not gonna lie they were kinda cute. They looked so comfortable. I blushed a little as I thought that. Then I picked up the blanket that was next to me and layed it on them. 

The second I did they snuggled into it and they wrapped there arms around mine. I felt my cheeks heat up. Then I hesitantly planted a kiss on their forehead and drifted to sleep, resting my head on theirs.


1240 words

Sorry this took so long I was on vacation and I had some art block. Constructive criticism is always appreciated and thank you for reading! Have a great day! ❤️

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