Chapter 21: Phone Call

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3rd person POV

After you had left with your sensei's, you realized they weren't going back to the Foot shack. You were a little confused about where you all were going so you decided to ask.

"Where are we going?" You aid, hoping that they wouldn't get mad at you for asking.

"We want to make sure we can keep an eye on you even if your not with us. We don't have anywhere for you to sleep in the foot shack, so your staying at The Battle Nexus Hotel. We know you have a past with her, so shell make sure to keep an eye on you and you won't be able to sneak out." He said, as you all jumped from building to building.

"Isn't the hotel expensive? Why would you put me there, when you could just stick me in a cheap hotel and send a foot soldier to keep guard?" You said, hoping they wouldn't put you there due to the price. You'd rather be in an apartment that's falling apart than big mamas fancy hotel.

"Well yes it is. That's why your paying for it." He said casually.

"Wait what?! How am going to pay for it?" You said stoping on the roof of the building. Then they stopped and turned to you.

"It's coming out of your salary. You didn't think we would really pay you that much for betraying us, did you?" He said chuckling a little bit. "Now hurry up. We're almost there." He said motioning you to follow him and he started running again.

Once you were finally there, you looked at the huge sign on the top of the building saying The Battle Nexus Hotel. You gulped at the sight and you all walked in. Once you were there, you looked around. It didn't change much since the last time you were there, but it was still painful familiar. The you saw Big Mama and she walked over to you.

"Welcome! I haven't seen you since you caught that sheddar-thingy. I'll take it from here." She said and then your sensei's left. "I'll be showing you your room." She said walking off. You hesitated to follow her, until you saw all guards across the hotel. There was one in front of every door, window, and every possible exit. 

You followed Big Mama into the elevator. The bell hop pressed the top button on the elevator and the elevator went up to the highest floor of the hotel. Once the doors opened you followed Big Mama over to your new room.

"You'll be staying in room 2018." She said as she handed you the key. "Enjoy! And just know there are guards everywhere." She said and left you. You opened the door and made your way into the room. 

Once you closed the door, you looked around. It was beautiful and very fancy. It was better than any place you have ever stayed in, but you would rather be somewhere else. You'd rather be with Mikey. 

The you realized the hotel room has a phone. You quickly picked it up and dialed the phone. Then it rang and rang. After awhile it went to voice mail, so you called him again. And it rang and rang and went to voicemail.

"Come on Mikey. Pick up the phone, please." You whispered to yourself. You dialed his phone number one more time. And it rang and rang. Just when you were going to give up, he answered the phone.

"H-hello?" Mikey said sniffling on the other side of the phone. Was he crying? Was it about you? Did he miss you? Was he not mad? Would he forgive you?!

"Mikey, it's me, Y/n." You said, hoping he wouldn't be mad at you.

"Y/n? Why are you calling me? I thought you left me? I thought you didn't love me? And- sorry I shouldn't be talking to you. My brothers said I shouldn't talk to you if you call me. I still need to get over you I'm sorry." He said about to end the call.

"Mikey please don't hang up! They kidnapped me! They made me say all that stuff! Please don't hang up Mikey, please. Please." He was quiet. You didn't know if he had hung up or not. 

"Really? Are you really telling the truth? Please be honest Y/n. Don't lie to me." He said sniffling still sad, but a little hope in his voice.

"I love you Mikey. I promise." You said crying a little, hoping he would believe you. He could hear your sniffles. He could tell you really meant it. Mikey was still crying, but of happy tears, not sadness.

"I love you too, Y/n. I love you so much." You were relieved that he believed you. "Where are you?" He asked already getting ready to come get you. 

"I'm in Big Mama's hotel. There's guards everywhere so be cautious, okay." You said hoping he wouldn't get hurt.

"I will. I promise. I'll see you soon, Love bug." He said blowing a kiss to the phone and hanging up. He immediately went over to his brothers to tell them that it was all a misunderstanding. They were all on the skate ramp.

"Guys! Y/n was kidnapped. We have to go save them!" He said waving getting ready to go.

"Woah woah woah, Mikey slow down. How do you know?" Raph said.

"They called me and told me that the foot kidnapped them and made them say that. Now come on! We have to save them." He said.

"Mikey, are you sure they're not tricking you?" Donnie said.

"Guys you don't really think they betrayed us? After all we've been through? You have to trust them. They changed. They're not like that anymore. They would never to that to us. Please trust me on this. Trust them." He said hopefully. They all looked at each other. They did miss you.

"Alright let's go save them!" Raph said as everyone headed to the door. They all got into the turtles tank and headed to the hotel. You had called Mikey and told him what room you were in. It was high, but they could just climb up and down the hotel. That way they wouldn't be caught.

Once they were there, they all climbed up the hotel and found the window to your room. Mikey opened the window and climbed in. He saw you sitting on the bed waiting for him to get there. Once you heard the noise of the window opening you immediately turned to him.

Once you saw him you had a big smile on your face and so did he. You ran up to him and hugged him and he hugged you back. He was so happy to finally have you back in his arms. You both were crying happy tears. So many happy tears.

"Yo, Miguel! We gots to go!" Leo said, braking the moment.

"Oh yeah." He said with a huge smile on his face. He kissed your forehead and picked you up. He claimed our the window and down the side of the building. Then you all drove home.

Once you were back you went over to the bathroom to go get ready for bed. Then you felt a hand grab yours. You turned around to see Mikey smiling at you.

"Where do you think your going? You promised me that when you got home, you'd come cuddle." He said. You giggled and followed him to his room.


1225 words

Sorry if the turtles seem a little uncharacteristic, but I tried.

Thank you for reading. 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! 🧡

Trust (Rottmnt Mikey x GN Foot Recruit Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora