Chapter 13: Med Kit

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3rd person POV

You dragged everyone to their rooms so they could rest. You figured since technically you slept the most in those three whole days straight of fighting, you should probably help everyone with their wounds.

Splinter was the only one able at the time so you figured you would help him first. You grabbed the med kit and headed over to his room. You knocked and opened the door so he would know you were coming in.

"My son, you need to go rest and-Oh it's you." He said, startled that it wasn't one of his sons. 

"What are you doing here?" He said, tilting his head.

"Oh I just came in here to make sure you were okay. I brought a med kit to help with any wounds of any sort." He looked at you and smiled. He was happy that his son was with someone that was so kind and considerate.

"Thank you, Y/n." He said as he held out and arm that had been scratched and was bleeding a little bit. You walked over to him and placed the med kit on the bed of which he was sitting. You opened it and got some bandages. Then you carefully wrapped the bandage around his arm. 

"You know I'm glad that my son has found someone as good as you. You know? Someone who really cares and doesn't see him or and any of us as freaks." You smiled at that and grabbed another bandage for another one of his wombs.

"You know you may have been in the foot clan and I may have only found out you were living here about a week ago, but I think I've grown a liking to you and If you make my son happy then you must be pretty great." He said smiling at you. 

It felt so nice for someone to except you and not judge you for your past. Especially coming from Splinter, since he was Mikey's father. You finished cleaning and patching up his wombs.

"Okay looks like your all good. If you need anything I'll be around." You said as you saluted and opened the door.

"Thank you, my dear, but make sure you get rest to okay?" He said.

"Will do! Night, Splints!" You said as you left, closing the door. You figured Donnie probably needed help the most next and he probably wasn't asleep, so you headed over to his lab. 

You went over to his lab and knocked. A little screen popped up in front of you and it scanned your face. Face not recognized. You got a little worried, but then the door opened and Donnie was standing there in front of you.

"Sorry, Y/n. I still need to put you in the database as a trusted friend, so it'll let you in." He said. He had huge eye bags and he was slouching as he held his the back of his bare shell. He moved over so you could come in.

"Why are you here and why aren't you resting you need it?" He said as he walked back over to his lab chair. You were about to speak, but then you noticed this big scratch on his soft shell. When he sat down he hissed so you could tell he was clearly in pain.

"I was coming over to make sure you were okay. I brought a med kit. Is you shell okay?" You said a little consurned.

"I'm fine." He said as he resumed his work.

"Donnie you need someone to help you or else it's not going to heal correctly. I'm worried about you. Can I help, please?" You said. Then Donnie looked over to you. Then looked over at his shell. He didn't want anyone to touch it, but you were right, it wasn't going to heal correctly if you didn't.

"I can go get Splinter if you want, he's awake. I just helped him with his wombs." You said.

"Woah woah woah. Don't go get Splinter. I don't want him to help me with his helping toe." Donnie said, sticking out his tongue and making a disgusted face.

"What's a helping toe." You said confused.

"Don't worry about it. Its weird." He said.

"So can I help you? I'll be very careful. I once read an article on soft shell turtles if that makes you more comfortable." You said giving a little chuckle to ease the moment. 

"That's more than my brothers have ever read. Sure." He said a little nervously, as he headed over to his bed and laid on his palteron. 

"Just be careful." He said looking away.

"I will, I promise." You said as you opened the med kit. You cleaned the shell, getting rid of any dried blood on it. He winced in pain.

"Sorry it's going to sting a little bit." You said. Even though it hurt, Donnie was actually surprised at how gentle you were. You finished cleaning it and you needed to bandage it.

"Could sit up please for me to bandage it?" You said quietly and calmly. He nodded and sat up. Then you wrapped it around his waist.

"There you go. That huge claw mark should help properly now." You said happily.

"Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it." He said, getting back up to work on his project. 

"Your welcome if you need me I'll be around." You said waving as you left a lab. You went to go find Mikey. I mean you have to make sure your own boyfriend is okay. You did see a few scratch marks on him before, but nothing to bad.

You went over to his room and moved the curtain. You saw him laying in his hammock. He wasn't asleep. He was looking up at the ceiling just staring. The marks on his arms looked like he had scratched them because it was itchy. The turned to you and gave you a weak smile.

"Hey, sunshine. Where have you been?" You said calmly.

"I was just helping Splinter and Donnie with there wombs. How have you been doing?" You said coming closer to him giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Itchy." He said scratching his scars.

"I can tell. You said gently rubbing your thumb on his scars.

"Come cuddle. You need rest too, cuddlebug." He said as he reached for you to come cuddle with him.

"Alright, baby."


1044 words 

Hope you like it. Thank you for reading !

Constructive criticism is always appreciated! 

Have a great day! Ye! 🧡

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