Chapter 3: Hot Soup!

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Third person POV

"Why did you bring them here-"

"Are they okay-"

"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do-"

"They seem fine to me-"

You could here voices as you slowly started to regain consciousness. You suddenly opened you eyes to see a dressed in purple, studying you to see if you had any head injuries.

You were startled by the figure in front of you, which cause you to gasp and flinch backward. Just then you felt a shooting pain in your head. You squinted you eyes and winced due to the pain.

As you were doing so you felt someone place a hand on you back and one in the palm of you hand, and they gently position so you would lay down.

"Easy, easy, your okay." You heard the voice of the turtle helping say.

Once you layed down you open your eyes to see four turtles, of which you were fighting earlier at the garden, leaning over towards you and staring at you. 

"You might have a minor headache, but there is nothing severe. You just need to rest." The one in purple said. 

"Where am I, and what am I doing here?" You said putting a hand on top of your head.

"Your here because SOMEBODY knocked you unconscious, and SOMEBODY just HAD to make sure that you were okay." Raph said making it very obvious that it was Mikey.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do I couldn't just leave you there." Mikey said nervously hoping you wouldn't freak out.

"Don't worry once you're all better you can leave, but for now we have to make sure you have fully recovered." Leo said.

"Wait they can't just leave. They know where the lair is now, and their in THE FOOT CLAN!!!" Raph said consurningly.

"So what do we do?" Mikey asked Raph.

" I guess we have to keep them here until we know what to do." Raph answered. Then everybody looked at you. You were wide eyed, and leaning back away from them.

"Woah, woah, woah, you can't just keep me here!" You said in fear.

"There's nothing else we can do. We don't know if we can trust you." Raph said. You tried to get up he gently pushed you down. "I'm sorry, but you're not leaving, and that's final."

You saw as all of them left to go their own separate ways. You realized that you only saw three of them leave and you looked around the room for the one in orange, that had knocked you out. Then he came out of nowhere, which startled you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I was wondering if you were hungry." You had a mixed feeling about it. Yeah they couldn't trust you, but you couldn't exactly trust them either. Though you were hungry, you hadn't eaten in who knows how long.

"No, I'm not hungry" you said try your best to make it sound convincing. Mikey didn't really believe you, but just then you're stomach rumbled. Both of you there was no hiding the fact that you were indeed starving. 

"I'll make you something anyway." He said with a smile and walked off. 

About ten minutes later he comes in with a tray and sets in in you're lap. There was a bowl of soup, a spoon, a napkin, and a glass of water.

"Careful I just made it so it'll be hot." He said.

You looked at him, and looked at you're food. You started to smell it and hesitantly got the spoon and scooped up some soup. Then you studied the soup in the spoon for anything unusual.

"It's not poisoned, silly. You can eat it, it's fine." He said as he takes the spoon and eat what's in it. "See?" 

You took the spoon back from him and brought some close to your mouth and ate some. Your pupils practically turned into stars, as to how amazing it tasted. 

"This is so good! Did you make this?" You said as you quickly started to scoop up more and swallow it.

"Mhm, it's my own recipe." He said with a smile, putting a hand on his neck.

"I've never had someone cook food for me before, this is nice."

"Wait never! How is that possible?!" 

"I guess no one has ever been around to do it." You said sadly returning to your soup.

Just then Raph came in and said "Mikey, were going to have to discuss where they are going to sleep." As Leo and Donnie entered the room behind him.

" I was thinking they should stay in Donnie's lab." Raph said.

"GASP! And let them go through all my things. I think not!" You started to look away.

"They can stay in my room. We have a spare mattress they can sleep on." Mikey said happily.

You had moved over to his room and he was bringing the mattress in the room. He set it down next to his hammock and placed some pillows and blankets on it.

"There that looks good to you." He said.

"Yes, thank you." You said quietly, looking away. 

He was already in his pajamas and he started to climb in his hammock. Just then he noticed that you still had your Foot clan uniform on. 

"That can't be comfortable." He said. You looked at him confused.

"What's uncomfortable?" 

"Your uniform I forgot you don't have any other clothes. I have an idea." He said hopefully, getting out of his hammock and going to the closet. He pulls out another night shirt like the one he was wearing now.

"Here, it'll be really big because you know I have a shell, and it's nice and soft, so you should be comfortable." He said handing it to you. You grab it and answer with a simple thank you. 

"The bathroom is right outside on the left." He said You nodded and left.

When you came back, you placed your folded uniform next to the mattress, and crawled into bed 

"I don't believe I caught your name." He said "Y/N. And yours?" Mikey, but my real name is Michaelangelo. 

"Good night, Y/N." He said turning over and wrapping him self in blankets.

"Goodnight, Michaelangelo."


1003 words

Thank you so much for reading!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated. 

Also how would you all feel if you played the cello in the story. 

P.S. I totally didn't get that from Wednesday.

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