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Kay was very dismayed when Iori informed him that the bike's owner was still in incognito when they had come to collect the bike.
Looks like a girl
The bag looks familiar too
The messages were followed by a picture of the person from the back. Kay zoomed in to get a closer look and sighed when he realised that it didn't actually mean anything of note to him. In the end, he just looked forward to going to Sugiyama Park the next day.
"Does this Sugiyama Park have anything to do with Sugiyama Kiyotaka the singer?" It was clear that Zayn was trying his best to lighten the mood but it didn't have any affect, not even to himself. He sighed when he got no response. "Yeah, same. I can't believe what's going on too."
"What if all of this is just a really elaborate prank?" Seirah piped up.
"It better not be," Maxima grimly said. "Because if it is, they're gonna suffer a painful death at my hands!"
"Dad, relax, we don't know for sure now, do we?" Krizalid sighed. "Let's just see how it goes."
"There's a whole night for that, I seriously doubt we'll even be able to sleep," Kay sighed. "You guys wanna play a game or something?"
"I think it's better if we at least try to sleep," Maxima added. "It doesn't matter if we end up awake the whole night."


The only one who actually slept well that night was Kula. The rest were all still groggy but wide awake at the same time. Seirah made everyone some espresso that managed to keep everyone awake with enough caffeine.
"What time is it?" Maxima asked, slowly sipping his coffee. "Is it ten yet?"
"No, only eight," Krizalid sighed at his phone. "There's still two hours more."
"Wanna go hang out at Nakano?" Zayn suggested, trying to lighten the mood yet again. "It's Saturday, after all. Wanna go?"
Everyone decided that it was best to just go since they could barely just sit around quietly and do nothing at home. So everyone dressed up and made their way to Nakano Ward. It was a little long of a drive, but they soon found themselves at a restaurant, having a second breakfast since they're didn't really eat much.
And then they ended up in a mall where they would spend the rest of the extra time they had.

Iori and his sister decided to take a walk around their neighbourhood, taking their cats along with them on leashes. It was an unusual thing to do, or so they thought, but they still thought it was fun and the cats seem to share the same opinion too.
"What a nice day," Aiko sighed. "I have no clue why people are more in love with Summer. Autumn is fun too."
"I've read a poem like that once, about the beauty of autumn," Iori smiled. "I think we should take these guys out on a walk more often, don't you think?"
Aiko nodded, grinning. "If it means walking out like this in the morning, then count me in."
They walked around and eventually came to the Yoyogi Park. A bike rode past them and Iori suddenly stopped short as soon as he recognised the number plate, as well as the backpack the rider was wearing. It had a Peace sign on it just like the stalker did yesterday
"That bike!" Iori gasped. "That's Dash's stalker!"
To Aiko's surprise, he handed her the leash he was holding and ran after the bike. The person was riding slow so he managed to catch up.
"Hold it!" Iori exclaimed, holding a hand out.
The person stopped the bike and took their helmet off, looking at him in surprise. Iori's jaw dropped when he recognised them.
"Najd?" Iori said, unable to believe himself. "It's you?"
"What do you mean? You're the one that stopped me," Najd frowned, getting off the bike. "What's wrong?"
Iori crossed his arms. "Mind telling me why you've been stalking my friend? Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you yesterday after he caught you."
Najd looked at him in surprise. Without a word, she mounted her bike again and rode off.
Aiko ran up just as she left, holding the cats in her arms so that they don't have to run after her. "What's up, Niisan? Who was that?"
"It's Najd," Iori said, still shocked. "She's the one that's been stalking Dash and his family."
"But why?" Aiko said in surprise. "Like... does she have a crush on him? Okay wait, that's disturbing. How can she have a crush on someone that looks just like her?"
"Beats me," Iori agreed. "But we have to warn him about it. Come on, I left my phone at home. Did you bring yours?"
"No, unfortunately," Aiko sighed. "Let's go back and tell him instead."
They decided to turn back and walk in the direction of their home, walking their cats and still having a nice walk. Basically, they took their own sweet time to get home, enjoying the beautiful autumn morning.

Kay and the rest arrived at Sugiyama Park and waited. It was a minute before ten so they were just in time.
"So where are they?" Maxima impatiently asked. "They better not be pranking us or I'll skin them alive!"
"Dad, please don't rush into things," Kay sighed. "What if it really is true?"
Just then, a person in a hood arrived.
"Are you the one that left the note and ran off last night?" Krizalid demanded.
The person simply nodded and turned to run. Obviously, the whole family chased them.
"Kriz, get the car," Maxima said, passing the keys to Krizalid, and started running after them. "It will be easier to catch up then."
Krizalid nodded and ran off to get the car. Kay went after his father but groaned when they saw how the person had jumped onto a bike yet again and rode off.
"They got away!" Kay groaned.
Maxima said nothing and waited for the rest to arrive in the car. He grabbed Kay's arm and ran towards their Ford Explorer.
"Do you see them?" Krizalid asked when Maxima got in beside him.
Maxima pointed to the distance. "There!"
Krizalid nodded and sped after them, a large SUV chasing after a motorcycle. They managed to keep up fine with the bike, it was like they actually wanted them to chase since they drove at a moderate speed.
"Where are they going?" Zayn asked, peering at the windshield.
"Don't know, we aren't even familiar with these parts," Seirah said, also peering at the glass. "Kriz, be careful! You're speeding like crazy!"
"You wanna find out who they are, right?" Krizalid said through gritted teeth as he rapidly neared the bike. "We can't move at a snail's pace to catch them, this is a chase!"
For some reason, Kula was excitedly cheering. Kay just sighed and ignored her happy cheers as they watched the bike ride ahead.
"Wait, so this isn't an exciting moment?" Kula finally realised. "Okay, then I'll be serious."
Kay chuckled and patted her back as the car rolled on.

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