The Shadow

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A figure in a flowy black garb suddenly ran past the brothers, nearly bumping into Krizalid. The oldest brother was shocked by the sudden gust that flew past him.
"What was that?" Zayn gulped.
"I'm not sure..." Kay turned to look. He found the source and pointed. "There, someone's running!"
"We should chase them to see what's up," Krizalid said, handing his drink to Zayn. "Hold my cocoa."
To their surprise, he pulled up his sleeves, though he merely just made that gesture without actually pulling them, and ran after the person.
"Oi! Kriz!" Kay gasped. "Darn this guy..."
"Do we follow him or...?" Zayn had no clue what to do in this situation. To his dismay, Kay started running after him too, leaving Zayn with no choice but to run after him as well with two cups of salted caramel hot cocoa in his hands.

Krizalid ran after the person, not sure if they were a thief or were running after one. The shadowy figure was swift, the long garment only making it seem darker and more mysterious as it practically glided in the air. It was hard for him to keep them within sight, let alone catch up.
When he finally managed to get close enough, he made a grab at the long scarf that trailed behind them and succeeded. The person refused to let go of it, grabbing the other end to yank it out of his grasp. A loud tearing sound erupted and all Krizalid had was a small piece of the red fabric in his grasp. The shadowy figure managed to escape while he was distracted.
Kay and Zayn caught up to him.
"What happened?" Kay asked. "Who was it?"
"Don't know," Krizalid frowned, holding up the scrap of cloth. "But I managed to tear off a piece of their scarf."
"Forensic evidence," Zayn remarked, handing the cup back to him. "Here's your drink, my fingers are burning."
Krizalid took it and immediately gulped a few sips. "Thanks."
"What did they look like?" Kay asked, pulling Krizalid's arm to go back in the direction of their apartment. "Did you get a look?"
"No," Krizalid sighed, pocketing the cloth. "Anyway, let's just go home."
The dark figure watched them leave, concealed by the shadows of Minato City and ran off before anyone else could see them.


Kyo found that he was improving academically after the study sessions. It was still a little hard to juggle, seeing how he was also the concert master of the school band.
Terry managed to arrange a few of the songs that Kyo wanted, making it easier for him to hand them out on their next meeting. Which was now, so Terry stood at the front of the band room and handed the sheets around.
Iori smirked at his bass scores, seeing how they actually sounded good, Aiko was a little dismayed that she didn't get any for that song.
"But hold on, there's more," Terry said, taking out another sheaf of papers. "Pass this around first, Nako."
Nakoruru nodded and passed all of it around before going back to her seat beside Shermie. As soon as all of the manuscript booklets had an owner, Terry handed another sheaf to Iori who patiently waited at the front to make an announcement.
The redhead smiled as he handed the score sheets to his sister but scowled as he handed another set to Takeru beside her. Takeru simply gave him a short nod and looked into his scores. Aiko smothered a giggle at how Takeru was still a little scared of Iori.
"Don't mind him, he's just protective of me," Aiko chuckled. "Anyway, what's the name of this song?"
"176th Street?" Takeru read the title on the top of the scores. "Looks like a fun song to play."
"It is," Aiko agreed. "Better tape these together so that it will be easier to flip the page."
Terry suddenly cleared his throat at the front, getting everyone else's attention. "If anyone else has a song suggestion, please say it since we need songs to play for the upcoming KOF Musicale. Any song that can be played with the instruments in our band is welcome."
"Sensei," Tatsuo raised his hand. "Is Sunny by Boney M a good choice?"
"Yes... yes, it is," Terry nodded thoughtfully. "That's a good one, especially since the Choir is joining us." He took out a marker and started writing on the whiteboard. "Anyone else? Come on, I need more."
Iori wasn't sure if he should give his suggestion when Aiko suddenly raised her hand and did it for him. It actually surprised him to know that she had the same song in mind.
"Midnight Down Town by Sugiyama Kiyotaka and the Omega Tribe," Aiko said.
"Sugiyama Kiyotaka and the Omega Tribe?" Terry frowned slightly. "I have to look into this, I'm not really familiar with this band."
Iori nodded and turned to him. "That is a very good idea, Terry-san. It's actually a really fun song to play."
"Yeah!" Kyo agreed in the midst of choosing a good violin for him to play. "It's a good song. We just need some vocals, maybe we can get someone from the choir to sing too, or maybe even one of us. Also, sorry I can't join in your discussion, most of these violins are in need of at least one new string."
"Ooh!" Terry shook his head sympathetically. "Try to do something about them, Kyo." He took his phone out and looked for the song. Iori had already written the name down on the whiteboard so Terry didn't have any trouble searching. "Ah, here we go. Where are my speakers?"
He connected his phone into his portable speakers and started playing the song so that everyone could hear.
"There's saxophone, more than one keyboard, drums, bass is amazing, vocals, electric guitar, but we don't have trumpets... maybe we can use the violins?"
"Sensei," Takeru raised his hand. "I can play the trumpet."
Iori pointed at him. "Good. Do you have one?"
Takeru nodded. "I do."
"Bring it next week," Terry said.
"Sure," Takeru grinned.
Yashiro suddenly raised his hand, earning a slight frown from Iori. "I have a suggestion."
Terry nodded as a signal for him to proceed.
"How about Silent Screamer by Tatsuro Yamashita?" Yashiro smirked slightly. "We can use the violinists as vocals too."
Kyo was actually surprised at the good suggestion. Knowing Yashiro, a high chance would've been a metal or hard rock song. This was rock too, but suitable for most members of the band to play. Iori inwardly felt impressed too, and satisfied since there was a really good bass solo for him to play in that song.
"Nice," Terry smiled as he watched Iori write the song name. "Anything else?"
One by one, more of the members provided suggestions. Terry sighed, seeing how he was going to have a hard time choosing among the best suggestions, then arranging the songs so that the members could play. Maybe he can ask Kyo or Iori some help, seeing how they were good musicians too.

"Guess who just got selected as the lead singer," Zayn gleefully announced when he joined his brother and friends at the foyer.
Iori grinned. "Hey, I didn't know you could sing. Congrats!"
"Nah, can't be him," Kay shook his head, a playful frown on his face. "He sounds like a dying duck whenever he tries."
Zayn scowled, but had the ghost of a smirk on his face. "Speaking for yourself, I see? I'm pretty sure I'm a great singer because the Choir teacher selected me specifically. I'm not taking your word over a professional talent... recogniser, right?"
"Fine, but don't blame me if every window breaks during your performances," Kay snorted.
Iori shook his head at Kay's remark and turned back to Zayn with a smile. "If you're in Choir, that means we might actually perform together for the KOF Musicale!"
Zayn gasped. "Really?! Oh my gosh! That actually sounds so much fun, singing with a live band and an entire choir for chorus."
"I can't wait for it," Iori grinned. "Our Music Director was asking for song suggestions too. We so need to start preparing."
"When is this Musicale, anyway?" Kay asked.
Iori frowned and shrugged before turning to Kyo. "When is it?"
"Late December," Kyo groaned. "We're so running out of time... and we haven't even arranged the music yet."
"Calm down, we can make it work," Iori comforted. "Somehow, but we can do it."
"Yeah," Kyo nodded. "We can do this."

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