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Rugal and Heidern arrived at the class with Leona behind them. Everyone turned to him with a gasp, even Iori.
"Sensei, it's him," Kay pointed at Goenitz. "He's the one who filmed Iori."
Rugal scowled and made his way to Goenitz. "Leopold?"
Goenitz quickly lowered his phone and turned to him. "Bernstein-san, I'm afraid Iori has gone mad again."
"Goenitz, to my office now," Rugal growled.
"Why?" Goenitz asked in surrounded.
"For ruining this boy's reputation and the name of our school," Heidern grimaced. "Show's over. Your goose is cooked. We just caught you filming. We know that it's you who made that video viral."
Iori looked at Goenitz in surprise. "It was you?!" He tried to get up and go to him, but his classmates were still holding onto him. "Let me go, you guys. I'm fine now."
They let go of him and he went straight to Goenitz. "How could you?! It was you all along and you still pretended like you had nothing to do with it? Why?! Why destroy us like that? You have no idea what my sister and I have gone through and yet and you can take pleasure in doing something like that?"
"I don't understand, why would you think it was me?" Goenitz acted confused. "What proof do you have that it's me?"
"We just caught you filming," Kay smirked, stepping forward. "On camera."
"Well, you were filming too," Goenitz pointed out. "I've only been filming now, not the first time."
Rugal frowned and snatched Goenitz's phone from his hand. It was still recording so he stopped and went to the home screen to search for phone's gallery. He found it and started searching the files for the video and spotted it. "Then how would you explain this?" He held the phone up to Goenitz.
"Well, it's a screen recording, I'm sure many people have it, right?" Goenitz justified.
Rugal frowned at the video and Heidern pointed at the date at the top of the screen, showing when the video was taken.
"When was the video uploaded?" Heidern turned to Kay.
"Three days ago, Sensei," Kay said, showing him the original upload of the video in social media.
Heidern frowned. "If this was a screen recording, how did you obtain it three weeks ago?"
Goenitz couldn't say anything.
"Well, he fell right into our trap," Iori smirked, brushing his fringe to the side. "You all thought I had gone crazy again, but you are wrong."
That sent gasps through the waiting students outside.
"You put that on?" Goro asked in surprise.
"Why?" Rock chimed in too.
"To catch the culprit," Iori grimaced. "See? It worked, didn't it?"
"But you attacked Kyo..." Benimaru frowned. "You did that on purpose just because you hate him, don't you?"
"Ben, no," Kyo stepped up, shaking his head with a slight smirk. "He didn't attack me. We were both in on this."
Everyone gasped again.
"You actually knew?" Ryo asked in surprise. "Why didn't you tell us?"
'I dunno, maybe because I hate you?' Kyo wanted to say but bit his tongue. "To make it work." He ended up saying.
"Goenitz, my office, now." Rugal sternly said. "Iori, Aiko? You too, Kay and Kyo."
With that, he pulled Goenitz by the collar and left the classroom through the back door.
"Everyone, go back to class and start cleaning up," Heidern instructed as he followed Rugal out.
Iori, Aiko, Kay, and Kyo looked at each other.
"Well, I guess we're in trouble too, then," Kyo sighed. "Not that I care... I hate this school."
"We just got here..." Aiko groaned. "Oh no..."
"Relax, I'm sure we're not in hotter soup than Goenitz is," Kay pointed out. "He's probably in a rice cooker now. I'm sure Bernstein will understand the reason we did this."
"Yeah, don't worry, guys," Leona added. "I told them everything before bringing them here."
"Should we really go?" Kyo gulped. "As it is, I'm already in so much trouble."
"I thought you didn't care?" Kay snorted.
"Well, I don't but my mom is gonna skin me alive with that naginata of hers," Kyo gulped. "You should've seen her when Goenitz complained to her about me. She threw that spear straight at me!"
"Oh wow, your mom actually sounds kinda cool," Iori chuckled. "Alright, let's go. We have to face the music eventually, right?"
"Yeah, but it was all your fault," Kyo groaned. "Why did I ever listen to you?"
"Should I come too?" Zayn asked. "I can't feel very relaxed, knowing how you guys are in trouble."
"Just come," Kay nodded. "Wait outside the office."
Zayn agreed and followed them downstairs and to the next block to Rugal's office. They went up to the office and spotted Goenitz make his way towards the balcony that overlooked the road, staring blankly at the passing cars.
"He looks upset... maybe Bernstein suspended him or something..." Kay quipped. "I almost feel bad for him. Almost..."
They made their way to the office. Zayn waited outside as the others went in.
"Well, well," Rugal said as soon as they entered. "Looks like someone took matters into their own hands by making a top-secret plan."
"We're sorry, Sensei," Iori bowed deeply. "It was only to find out who the culprit was. I didn't expect it to be Goenitz-sensei... it just wasn't like him."
"We thought that it might've been one of the students," Kay added. "We even suspected Kyo at one point but it wasn't him since he was in the video too."
Rugal sighed. "To be honest with you, I didn't think it was him either. We've had our disagreements before, yes, but I've never thought that he would go this far. He even tried to get me fired from this position, saying that he would best fit the role of a principal."
"Goenitz did that?" Kyo said in surprise.
"Unfortunately," Rugal shrugged. "Also, Iori... I'm very sorry that this happened to you. He not only brought disgrace to the school, but to you as well."
"Yes, sensei, but it can't be undone now can it?" Iori smiled tiredly. "I'd just have to prove myself that I'm better now."
Rugal chuckled. "But what you did today suggested the exact opposite, though you were putting it on for a good reason."
Iori sighed. "I know, sensei. I'll apologise to the class later."
"What about Kyo?" Rugal asked, eyeing said person. "He looks like he needs an apology too, with you attacking him and all. Look at him, he's such a mess after what happened."
"No, I was actually in on it too," Kyo admitted. "Yagami wasn't even attacking me. We were only pretending."
"We're not in trouble, are we?" Aiko gulped.
Rugal shook his head. "Who said you were in trouble? I just called you to say that this won't happen again. Goenitz has been suspended for a while so hopefully he'll be better when he comes back."
"He's gonna hate me more..." Iori groaned. "Sensei, can't we have a different homeroom teacher?"
Rugal frowned thoughtfully. "I'll see what I can do... how does Kagura-Sensei sound?"
"She sounds good," Kyo shrugged. "I've seen her a few times. Very kind."
"Yeah, my uncle used to know her," Iori added.
"Who in the world doesn't your father or uncle know?" Kyo couldn't help but remark. His gaze fell on the surprised Rugal, making him chuckle sheepishly. "Sorry, Bernstein-sensei... I only said that because his father and uncle even knows my dad and Ryo's too."
"I see... your fathers seem to be friends with Sakazaki-sensei..." Rugal thoughtfully said. "Anyway, go... go back to your classes. I don't wanna hold you here any longer."
The four of them bowed and quickly left the sitting room.
"What did he say?" Zayn asked as soon as they came out.
"All's good," Kay sighed in relief. "He just wanted to tell us that Goenitz has been taken care off."
Iori spotted someone's tailcoat going up the stairs to the second floor. "Where do those stairs lead to?" Iori asked.
"Computer rooms on the second floor," Kyo said. "The third floor has... something, I think meeting rooms and stuff. Then the fourth—"
Iori didn't wait for him to finish as he ran up the steps. The others, confused, went after him too.
"Niisan, where are you going?" Aiko called but Iori didn't answer as he rapidly went up.

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