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Kay's classmates were surprised when his name was called out for detention.
"What did you do?" Kyo asked in surprise, packing his backpack. "Usually, it's my name, but even I didn't do anything this time."
"Got into a fight with someone during chess yesterday," Kay shrugged. "See ya guys later in the library, I'm only serving twenty minutes."  
Benimaru urgently called him just as he was about to walk out. "Kay, wait! I need to warn you about something."
"What is it?" Kay turned to where the blond sat, standing at the front of the class.
"There will be this big guy called Yashiro there, hair whiter than yours, unpleasant aura," Benimaru described. "Stay away from him, he's a walking disaster."
Kay gulped and turned towards his spot at the other corner of the room. "Iori, what was the name of the guy that disturbed you in Band?"
"Yashiro... yeah, it's the same guy," Iori told him in a worried tone. "Just don't speak to him, buddy."
"And avoid him at all costs," Kyo added. "He's a jerk."
Everyone started agreeing to what he said, even Mai who sat at the front.
"Yeah, Kay, he's whacko," Mai said, much to everyone's surprise and amusement. "I once caught him taking pictures without my consent."
Kay gulped. "Ye-Yes, Sensei. Gosh, now you guys are making me scared..."
"Don't worry, he's just a noisy fly that's a little overgrown," Kyo chuckled. "Just ignore him and you'll be fine."
"How big is he?" Kay fearfully asked. "Bigger than Goro?"
"Is he?" Goro asked in surprise. "I don't think I've seen much people taller than me..."
"Nah," Benimaru shook his head. "He's just a little taller than Shen. But a lot more annoying."
"Believe me, I've only seen this guy like two times and I already feel like punching him," Shen added. "Don't even look at him, he has a very punchable face."
Kay gulped, his idea of getting himself into detention didn't look very clever now. He waved at everyone and walked out of the room, hoping that everything would go well. Kay spotted Najd exiting the classroom next but one to his and waved at her. She waved back and came over, going down the stairs with him. The two spotted Kula at the sheltered path and went to her. The poor girl looked so frightened and nervous at what's to come her way. Najd smiled and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze and struck up a conversation as they went to the most front block of the school. Kay put an arm around Kula and opened the door to the detention room, Najd at their heels. Seirah was already waiting for them and smiled when the three came up. Her smile, however, faded slightly as she spotted Najd.
"Darn, you could be our long lost sister," Seirah remarked. "You were right, Dash. She does look like a younger version of Mom."
Najd awkwardly smiled and sat down with the other two, wedging Kula at the desk between theirs. "So what are we supposed to do, Sensei?"
Seirah shrugged. "Just sit down and behave. The whole punishment is literally just having you guys stay back for an extra bit of time. By the way, I'm actually surprised you went with Kay's plan to get you two here. Whatever it was, it must've been stupid."
Kay snorted. "Actually, she came up with the plan. I just asked her to help but she ended up starting a pretend fight, which I thought was real, and yeah it ended in us both shoving each other around."
Seirah shook her head in disappointment. "The two of you, I swear. Kula booed at someone and unintentionally landed here while you... intentionally got yourselves here."
That reminded Kay. "By the way, where's the reason I landed myself here?"
"The pretend fight?" Najd asked.
"No, I meant the whackos that were also supposed to be here," Kay said. "That bully who slapped Kula and that Chris boy that threw a basketball at Iori. Beni also mentioned how there was this whacko called Yashiro coming in too. But don't see anyone else besides the four of us."
As if on cue, the door burst open, revealing three people. Chris, Yashiro, and Shermie, commonly known as CYS since they were actually in a band with that same name.
"There they are," Najd pointed a hand at them, earning a glare from all three of them at once. "Well, Kay. I don't blame you one bit."
Kay nodded in agreement before reaching a hand to Kula. "Kula, ignore them if they address you."
Kula nodded and pulled her Maths homework out of her bag and started working on it. Najd pulled out an Arabic novel and started reading while Kay pulled out his Geography homework.
"Hey, Dum-Dums!" Yashiro suddenly called. "Which one of you idiots booed at my friend's performance?"
"Language!" Seirah piped up, pointing a ruler at them.
"It's that girl in the middle," Shermie said, pointing at her. "And she's only sitting here for twenty minutes."
"Kula?" Chris said in surprise. "It was you?"
To Kay and Najd's surprise, she gave him a friendly wave.
"You're the one that threw a basketball at my friend, aren't you?" Kay piped up. "What did he even do to you? The poor guy's already been through enough and you wanna abuse him some more? Why?"
Chris gulped but made his way to the seat behind Kula, Yashiro and Shermie on either side of him.
"You know him?" Kay leaned towards Kula and asked.
Kula nodded. "Chris sits next to me in class. He's actually kinda nice."
"Yeah, he threw a basketball at Iori when the guy didn't do anything besides go on with his basketball game," Kay rolled his eyes. "A nice guy indeed."
"Hey, you weren't there when it happened, so how would you know?" Yashiro stepped up.
"My brother was right beside Iori when it happened, so you're telling me to trust you and not my own brother?" Kay countered.
Yashiro was fuming. He was about to get up and attack him but Seirah quickly came up with a metre-long ruler.
"If you continue bickering like this, I'll double your time here," Seirah warned before pointing the ruler at her brother. "You too, Dash."
"Yes, Ma'am," Kay gave her a playful salute and went back to his essay.
Seirah shook her head and went back to her spot at the front. Kula tried as hard as she could to ignore the CYS but Chris kept pestering her for Maths homework.
"Kula, can you help me with my Maths homework?" Chris called. "I still can't understand what's going on in Algebra."
Kula got up and turned her chair to face him, patiently teaching him the steps to achieving the answer. Kay was actually surprised that she was patient enough to explain all of that to Chris, then again he still knew that she was one to always be underestimated just because of her childish demeanour. Only those close to her knew how of her brains.
"Thanks," Chris smiled, nodding as he understood. "Shermie and Yashiro weren't any good at explaining this to me."
Kula smiled. "Just ask me next time and I'll teach you." She waved at him and turned her chair back to her desk.
Chris stared back with a smile forming on his lips. The smile, however, quickly faded when he spotted Kay glowering at him with a deep scowl contorting his face. Chris simply smiled back and returned his gaze to the homework lying in front of him.
Shermie looked over at Chris and saw that he was finishing his Maths homework with ease, even bearing a triumphant smile whenever he answered an equation correctly. She turned to Kula and gave the girl's back a grateful smile, feeling a little bad for slapping her the day before. Shermie turned back to the front and saw Najd smirking at her.
"You got a problem?" Shermie asked, a slight frown on her face.
"Feel bad for slapping our friend yet?" Najd smirked slightly, gesturing her eyes towards where Kula sat humming as she finished her homework."
Shermie said nothing as she turned to gaze out the windows instead.

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