The Kay house

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"We're here," Maxima announced as he stopped at the side of the road in front of the school. "Alright, bye guys!"
Kay groaned and got off the car. Kula leapt out after him, followed by Seirah and her youngest brother, Zayn.
"Don't get in trouble, you guys!" Krizalid grinned, munching on his favourite butter sandwich crackers.
"We're not like you, loser," Kay rolled his eyes and slammed the door of the Ford Explorer as he made his way to the school gate, his sister and Kula right behind him.
"Remember when Kriz was at school?" Zayn smirked. "Dad was always called in because he was always sneaking food into class, though it only lasted a few months."
Kay snorted. "Well, it's him.
"You know, it's pretty frustrating when people talk about the fact that the two of you are so not good at sports despite being my brothers?" Seirah sighed. "At least try something."
"Like ice skating!" Kula excitedly said as they entered the school.
"Or rhythmic gymnastics," Seirah suggested.
"I'm good at any sport where I can dominate over those who know the rules," Zayn grinned proudly. "Be like me."
"Yeah, your teacher's always complaining about you too," Seirah pointed out, much to Zayn's dismay. "Todoh-sensei's always talking about how you're dominating over your teammates instead of actually playing."
Kay snorted at Zayn's annoyed face as they parted ways with the girls and he went up the stairs to their classes. Kay got off at the first floor while Zayn had to go up to the second. He heaved a sigh of relief and stuffed a pair of earphones into his ear as he walked down the corridor to his class.
He entered his class and went straight to his place, laying his head on the desk as soon as he sat down. Kyo was already rambling about something on his spot in front of Iori's and Kay was glad for the rock music blasting into his ears.
Iori eventually staggered in and slumped down on his chair, his head hanging and eyes closed.
Kay frowned and took his earphones off. "Iori, you okay?"
Iori turned to him as if he had been caught doing something and nodded before taking his books out. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... rough night."
Kay snorted. "Stayed up late, huh..."
Iori just nodded and took his phone out, scrolling through it. Kay eventually stuffed his earphones back into his ears to continue his music, playing with his phone.
Classes soon started and Kay couldn't help but notice how tired Iori looked.

"You sure you're okay?" Kay asked when break time came. "You don't look so good."
"I'm fine," Iori growled.
"You sure?" Kay asked, earning a glare from the redhead. "What, I'm just concerned. You look really tired."
Iori sighed. "I slept late last night."
"That explains it..." Kay nodded. "Me too. But a nice cuppa coffee helps."
Iori nodded and continued eating his lunch. Kay started wondering what the redhead did until so late at night till it costed some of his sleep. He didn't wanna ask though, afraid of prying too much. So he just turned back to his beef jerky and ate, reading a webcomic online.

Kay bade Iori farewell and walked out of the class, going straight to the foyer. When he got there, he saw a red-haired man who looked almost exactly like Iori but older, frowning at the gate with his phone pressed against his ear. Kay turned to the pathway and saw Iori come up, frowning at his phone, then at the gate. He started running and went straight to the man at the gate. Kay was sure that he was Iori's father.
The man led Iori away, looking rather anxious. Kay just frowned and waited for his siblings and Kula to arrive.
They eventually did but their father didn't.
"What's taking him so long?" Zayn groaned.
"I want ice cream!" Kula whined.
"Kula, you only had ice cream last night," Seirah sighed. "I actually wonder how you haven't gotten a cold."
"The cold never bothered me," Kula grinned. "They call me Ice Princess for a reason."
"No, we call you that for this exact reason," Kay sighed. "How do you even eat ice cream all the time?"
Kula shrugged, her grin not faltering the slightest.
Maxima eventually came and they all got in. Kula was excitedly talking about her classmates, especially one particular girl named Aiko.
"She's so fun!" Kula said. "And very kind too. I really like her hair, long and very red."
"Red?" Maxima said in surprise. "Is it dyed or something?"
"She said no," Kula shrugged. "She said she was born like that."
"One of the boys in Dash's class has hair that red too," Seirah chimed in. "His uncle even gave Bernstein-san a letter regarding it."
"Yeah, Iori..." Kay nodded. "He sits next to me."
"Yeah, Aiko said she gave the principal a letter too," Kula went on. "She said her previous headmistress even examined her hair with a magnifying glass!"
Kay frowned thoughtfully. "What's this Aiko girl's full name?"
"Yagami Aiko," Kula answered. "She says she has a brother or something..."
"Well, the brother is Iori," Kay chuckled. "His full name is Yagami Iori."
"Oh what a small school," Maxima laughed. "The big brother is in Dash's class while the younger sister is in Kula's."
They went home and started eating the lunch that Maxima had prepared, watching tv as they did. Krizalid eventually came in from college and started talking about cookies for some reason.
"Honestly, it seems like the only thing you think about is food," Kay rolled his eyes.
Krizalid stuck his tongue out at him. "Of course! Whatever, when shall we go for a holiday? I've been looking up Ireland a lot. Really nice place, just like mom had described. Let's go to Dublin!"
"Wait for the holidays," Maxima said. "Your brothers and Kula still have school."
Zayn groaned, flipping through the television channels. "Nothing good on TV..."
He eventually got fed up of it and handed the remote to Maxima. Maxima instantly switched to the news channels. The younger ones didn't really pay attention to what was going on in tv.
"...found in an alleyway with slit wrists. Paramedics were quick to rush the victim to the nearest hospital and found that he consumed a poisonous substance." Kay looked up at the screen in surprise. "Fortunately, the victim had been saved but still remains in critical condition."
"Oh my gosh, this is like the third or fourth one since we moved here," Maxima remarked, shaking his head. "This is horrible... why are the suicide rates so high here?"
For some reason, this fact didn't seem to sit right with Kay. He didn't know why either.

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