Deliberate trouble

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Chris had no time to get away with throwing the ball at Iori since the teacher, Vanessa, walked in just as it hit the redhead. Iori was actually confused at why he would do such a thing since he never once spoken to the younger boy, did nothing that would make Chris hate him all of a sudden like that.
But he couldn't even ask the reason since Vanessa was already giving the boy a big tick off, even sentencing him to forty minutes of detention the following day. Iori simply shrugged since Chris deserved it anyway. There was no reason for him to feel bad.
"That kid is such a psycho," Zayn remarked as the three of them walked towards the cozy gazebo beside the school hall. "Like, what the heck is wrong with him?"
"I have no clue," Iori admitted as he sat down on the wooden bench. "I've never even spoken to him before. I don't even know what he has with me!"
"He's a whack," Rock sighed. "Well, at least he was caught in the act. You okay, Iori?"
"I'm fine, the ball didn't hit me too hard," Iori said, touching his back. "Anyway, that game was actually a good one."
Zayn nodded eagerly. "Yeah!" He suddenly stopped short when his phone vibrated, making him pull it out and stare at it in surprise. "What? How did she know?"
"How did who know what?" Iori asked, confused.
"Seirah knows that Chris is in detention?" Zayn gasped as he rapidly started typing. "How?!" He relaxed slightly. "Oh wait, it isn't him." His eyes widened again. "But who is it?!"
The two older boys were amused at his reaction and just left him to type on his phone as they started talking about Goenitz suddenly appearing in class the day before.
"At least he realised his mistake," Iori shrugged. "But I like how Kyo actually fled before he could even speak to him."
Rock snorted. "Yeah, I saw him in the act. He managed to push Goro and Benimaru out of the way too."
Iori was about to speak but was cut short when Zayn suddenly gasped loudly.
"How?!" He said to himself. "What happened?"
The older boys exchanged concerned looks.
"Zayn, is everything okay?" Iori asked, seeing how he actually looked worried.
"Kula is in detention because someone slapped her," Zayn dramatically said. "KULA! Why did Seirah put her in too? The other person deserves it more."
He went on typing and eventually sighed in disbelief.
"Is everything okay?" Rock eventually asked.
"She booed at the person first, so that's why she got slapped," Zayn sighed.
"You get sent to detention just for booing at someone?" Iori asked in surprise.
"It comes under slander, apparently," Zayn shrugged. "Darn... I hope she'll be okay with Chris on the loose."
"That doesn't sound very pleasant," Rock remarked, earning a nod of agreement from Iori. "It so isn't. Look, I've just been with this kid for like... twenty minutes, and even with that, I can tell that he's horrifying."
"I wonder how poor Kula is gonna do with her bully and him around..." Iori sighed.

Kay was wondering just that too. He didn't know that the girl that slapped Kula was Shermie yet but he did know Chris. And that alone wasn't good news. It didn't help that Kula was the easily scared type, cowering if someone so much as advanced towards her. Why she had to be the kind to get into trouble despite being easily intimidated, he still didn't know.
An idea suddenly came to him. Seirah told him that she was only serving twenty minutes while Chris and that bully was serving forty. So that would mean Kula would only suffer for a while.
He didn't mind standing in the corridor to keep watch on the detention room for that long. He quickly texted Seirah and asked her if that was possible.
No one is allowed to stand near the detention room after school
Kay groaned at his sister's reply and sighed. Najd was frowning at him, seeing how he had lost literally every chess game she had with him.
"Dude, are you seriously this bad at chess?" Najd asked him in surprise. "You didn't even win once!"
Kay simply brushed her off as he texted on his phone. "Not now. I'm in a middle of a crisis here."
"What crisis? The fact that Kula's in detention?"
"That, and the fact that she's in detention with two other whacks," Kay countered, much to her surprise.
"Who?" Najd asked, interested.
"Some junior named Chris, and the bully that put her in this position in the first place," Kay sighed. "At this point, she's a bully too."
Najd frowned thoughtfully. "That does sound scary."
Kay nodded in agreement. "It does..."
They finished their current game and started resetting the board for another. Kay was absentmindedly shoving the pieces in place, even accidentally mistaking the bishop for a pawn.
"Kay, you've put a bishop on a pawn's place," Najd pointed out, taking the bishop away and placing it on the correct position for him. She sighed when she saw how tensed he was. "Kula's gonna be fine, don't worry about her. I'm sure there's a teacher on duty there, would they let these thugs bully her?"
"The teacher in charge is my sister, but it's Kula," Kay groaned. "I can't just let her deal with this alone."
"How is your sister's relationship with Kula?" Najd asked.
"Very close," Kay said. "But I still couldn't help but feel scared for her." He frowned slightly and looked up at her. "Can I ask your help for something?"
"What is it?"
"I need you to help me do something so that I get into detention," Najd's eyes widened in shock when he said that. "I know, it's a stupid idea, but I can't help it. I need to be there for her."
Najd frowned at him but smirked slightly. Without warning, she swept her arm across the chess board, sending all of the pieces tumbling against the floor.
"I don't want another game with you, you're just so bad at this!" Najd spat at Kay, much to his surprise. "Why you join this club despite not knowing how to play, I still don't know. Such a jerk!"
"Hey, it's not my fault that you're a genius at this," Kay countered, angered by being called a jerk. "This was just a warmup."
"Go warm up somewhere else, not here," Najd shouted, lunging at him.
"What?!" Kay uttered as he tried to hold her off. "What's this?! You're attacking me just because I'm bad at this stupid game?"
"CHESS IS NOT STUPID, YOU HEAR THAT?!" Najd exclaimed as she pushed him off. "If there's anything stupid here, it's you. You don't even know the difference between a pawn and a bishop!"
Kay would've fallen if it wasn't for Ash grabbing his arm. The older boy wriggled out of his grasp and ran towards Najd. He shoved at her shoulders, causing her to hit the table, and grunted in anger as he charged towards her.
"Kay!" Ash exclaimed as he ran towards Kay, pulling him away from her. "What's gotten into the two of you?"
Both of them didn't reply since they were busy glaring at each other. A few girls ran to Najd too and held her off as she tried attacking Kay. Adel came forward and stared at the two in surprise. "I... I have to go get Ms. Elisabeth," Adel said as he ran out of the classroom, his sister at his heels.
Najd smirked at him, making him growl. She gave him a short bow and apologised. "I'm very sorry, I don't know what came over me. Oh, I so deserve to be in detention. I shouldn't have acted the way I did."
Kay looked at her in surprise as he understood what she had done. He gently got out of Ash's grasp too. "Yeah, I'm sorry for the way I reacted too. I'm sorry I called the game stupid. It's actually quite fun, and I admit that I'm bad at it. It's me who's supposed to be in detention."
Najd winked at him. "Oh dear... we've made it up to each other, but I guess we're still gonna be in detention, aren't we?"
Kay smiled gratefully at her. "We so are."

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