English class

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A well-dressed man with long blond hair came in. Rock made a disgusted sound and shook his head.
"Good Morning, students," The man said in English. "I'm Mr. Kain Heinlein. I will be your English teacher this year."
"Oh, so we're getting an American guy this time," Kyo nodded dramatically. "I see... well let's just hope he's better than the last."
"Yeah, like your pronunciation is terrible," Benimaru shook his head in disgust.
"Hey, I'm good in English, okay?!" Kyo scowled.
"Yeah right," Benimaru scoffed. He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Read these for me. Aloud."
Kyo looked at the paper and snorted.
Kyo snorted. "Piece of cake." He cleared his throat and started reading. "Hanbaaga, uh... sukiwaru? Ruw, debiru, kaaru. Kurisutaru. Gusu. Ruraaru. Naifu, karupenteru."
Benimaru burst into laughter. "Oh my gosh!"
"How did I do?" Kyo grinned proudly. "I aced it, didn't I?"
Benimaru shook his head, trying to stop laughing. "Yeah, aced it with flying colours. Zero out of ten."
Kyo scowled and handed the paper to him instead. "You do it then."
"Watch me," Benimaru smirked and took it. "Hamburger, squirrel, love, devil, car, crystal, goose, rural, knife, carpenter."
Kyo stuck his tongue at him.
"What, I did good!" Benimaru grinned. "Unlike you."
"Just because your mother is American..." Kyo scowled.
Benimaru smirked and called Goro. "Yo Daimon! Can you read this for me?"
Daimon took the paper from him and looked at it. "What's this?"
"Just read," Kyo said impatiently, expecting him to read it just as bad as himself.
Goro nodded and read it. "Hamburger, squirrel, love, devil, car, crystal, goose, rural, knife, carpenter."
"Hah!" Benimaru exclaimed in triumph.
"What's this actually about?" Daimon asked, handing the paper back to Benimaru.
"You seriously didn't hear anything that went on behind you?" Benimaru snorted.
"What happened?" Daimon sighed, so done with his two friends. "What did you guys do?"
Benimaru started to explain, much to Kyo's dismay, but Kain loudly cleared his throat, standing in front of them.
"What's going on back there?" Kain asked. "Seems like a serious discussion. Care to share with the class?"
"No, sir," Benimaru quickly said. "I was just helping Kyo to pronounce these."
He handed the paper to Kain, much to Kyo's horror. Kain took it and frowned over the words. In the end, he grinned and chuckled.
"I see..." Kain nodded. He lowered the sheet slightly and looked at Benimaru. "You wrote this?"
"Yes, sir," Benimaru nodded humbly. "My friend said he was having trouble pronouncing certain things, so I asked him to practice over these."
Kain nodded. "Good. Because these are one of the hardest words to pronounce for English beginners. How about you? What is your name?"
"Nikaido Benimaru, sir," Benimaru answered with a gulp. "My... mother is American. That's why I was trying to help him."
Kain nodded again, going to the front with the note still in hand. As soon as he had his back turned, Kyo silently scolded Benimaru, moving his hands about.
Kain went to the front and took out a marker pen. He wrote the words on the whiteboard and smirked at the class.
"Who can pronounce these?" Kain asked. "Any volunteers?"
Iori raised his hand. "Can I try?"
Kyo was surprised at how fluent his English sounded. Then again, it was only three words.
"Sure, fire away," Kain said, stepping away from the whiteboard so that he could see better.
Iori took a deep breath. "Hamburger, squirrel, rove, devir, car, crystal, goose, rural, knife, carpenter."
"Very good," Kain praised. "You seem to still have a little trouble with your L, but you're doing great. Who else?"
Kay volunteered next, and practically aced it.
"You're definitely not from around here," Kain noted. "Where are you from?"
"I have no idea," Kay sat down again.
Everyone looked at him in surprise but he casually took his book out and started taking notes.
No one else wanted to volunteer, so Kain called Nakoruru.
Nakoruru gulped and got up. "Sensei, I'm quite bad in English. My pronunciation isn't so good."
"It's okay," Kain said in fluent Japanese. "Just try. No harm in trying, right?"
Nakoruru gulped and started reading the words on the whiteboard. Kain couldn't help but feel bad for her.
"Can I ask, who was your English teacher last year?" Kain asked when she was done.
"Umm... I... only just transferred here this year," Nakoruru sheepishly stated. "This is my first year in school."
Kain frowned, crossing his arms. "You mean to say... this is the first time you're in a school?"
Nakoruru nodded in embarrassment. "Yes..."
Kain nodded. "Can I ask what you were doing before this?"
Nakoruru gulped. "I'd rather not say."
The class started whispering, earning a glare from Kain. He sighed and cleaned the whiteboard.
"Never mind," Kain said after he was done, he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and took out some of his things to start the class. "Study well after this."
He started teaching, and dropped a huge bomb of an essay on his first class itself.
"This teacher is really unmerciful," Kyo scowled, frowning at the exercise book in front of him. "An essay on the first day?!"
Benimaru rolled his eyes. "What do you expect, it's our senior year."
"Kyo still has a junior mindset," Daimon smirked, turning around to see them. "He's planning to spend at least five more years in this school."
Kyo scowled and kicked Goro's chair, hurting his foot. Goro laughed in triumph.
"It's true, don't you think so, Ben?" Goro smirked, turning to his blond friend. He was confused when he found that he was staring straight ahead, a surprised look on his face. "What is it?"
Benimaru pointed to the front. The two boys turned and gasped when they saw Rock at the front, standing next to Kain as he checked his essay. They couldn't help but notice the dissatisfied frown on the younger man's face.
"He's finished?!" Kyo gasped. "What is he, a machine?!"
"I know right..." Goro agreed, just as surprised. "How fast did he write?"
"Even Ben hasn't started yet!" Kyo snorted, smirking at Benimaru.
Benimaru shook his head. "No, that's not what I meant." He pointed to them again. "Just look at them."
Puzzled, his two friends turned back to Kain and Rock at the front.
"Is it me, or do they look almost exactly alike?" Benimaru frowned thoughtfully. "Look at them!"
Goro nodded, his usually small eyes opened wide. "You're right. Kain-sensei is just taller, and older. And he has long hair."
Kyo nodded too. "It's like someone hit copy on Kain's face and pasted it on Rock. Then, they deleted most of hair to look shorter."
"Yeah!" Benimaru agreed. "What I meant to say was... what if they're related?"
Goro shrugged. "Who knows?"
"Eh, it's because they're American," Kyo lazily stretched on his chair. "All Americans look the same to me, especially if they're blond."
Benimaru rolled his eyes. "Then what about me? Are you saying that I look like that too?"
"You're only half American, dude," Kyo pointed out with a grin. "Not full." 
Benimaru rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He turned to the blond boy next to him. "Hey, what's your name again?"
The boy adjusted his sunglasses and grinned. "Clark."
"Clark Kent?" Benimaru joked.
"Clark Still," Clark chuckled, lifting his sunglasses slightly and dropped it back on his nose. "You're Benimaru, right?"
Benimaru nodded. "Yeah. By the way, you're American, right?"
"I am. Why do you ask?"
Benimaru smirked. "Well... an overgrown bird told me that all Americans look the same, especially the blonds. Do you agree with this?"
Clark snorted and shook his head. "Which idiot told you that?"
Benimaru shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated manner. He turned slightly and gave Kyo a knowing look, which did not go unnoticed by his two best friends.
Goro burst into laughter, earning another glare from Kain.

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