Office Romance | Pt. 1

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Trigger Warning: Implied sex, head giving? ⚠️

Y/n sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment. She had had a 12 hour shift that day despite only working as the CEO's assistant.

Lazily slumping onto her bed, she was just about ready to go to sleep until the ringing of her phone awoke her.

"Ugh, what now?!" she exclaimed as she checked the caller ID only for it to be her boss. Picking up the phone in her the most enthusiastic voice she could muster, "Yes, sir. What can I do for you?"

"Ah, yes Y/n" she heard her boss, Leo's voice from the other end of the phone. "I was wondering if you could pop into the office for a quick second. There's just some paperwork that I need help with."

Gritting her teeth but keeping her voice as professional as possible, she replied "I'm sorry sir but I just got off my last shift and I'm extremely tired. I'm not in the right condition to drive."

"That's a real shame. I could've sworn you wanted to keep your job?" Y/n grimaced at the man's snarky reply before answering again, the frustration evident in her voice this time. "On my way."

Grabbing her car keys she stormed out of the house and started the 30 minute drive to the office.

Pulling into the parking lot of the main building Y/n couldn't help but notice how empty the place was. Apart from her boss's lavish McLaren Shark Teeth parked across the parking lot, there were only a few other cars.

Entering the building, she entered the elevator and pressed the top button that led to her boss's office. Something in her was telling her that something was about to go terribly wrong but she ignored it as she valued her job- well, she valued the paycheck at the very least.

The moment she steeped out of the elevator she was greeted by her boss standing there, with his arms crossed.

"I thought you'd never come." He commented before grabbing her wrist and dragging her off to his office.

Once inside, he locked the door and told Y/n to have a seat. "So, Y/n. I don't know how else to go about this but I can't help but notice that your not doing a very good job at this company." He said.

"I'm not saying your doing bad, I'm just saying we have new applicants that are more capable than you. So in other words, your fired."

Y/n stared up at him with her mouth agape. "E-Excuse me..?" She said, barely above a whisper. "You heard what I said." He replied cockily as he stared her down intensely.

"I- can't fire me! Please sir, this is my only source of income!" She cried out, if need be, she was willing to get on her knees and beg if it meant she'd get to keep her job.

"Please, I'm willing to do anything.." she muttered, not sure if she meant it. "Anything?" He questioned her while raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly he stood up, towering over her as he slowly stalked towards her. Twirling his finger around a lock of her he eyed her up and down before repeating once again.

"Anything? Do you mean it?" "Yes." She replied, not knowing that that was the moment she had sealed her fate.

"Your a very beautiful woman you know that Y/n?" He ran his fingers smoothly along her jawline, down to her collarbone then slowly traced them back up to her lips.

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