Criminally In Love | Pt. 1

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M! Yandere Criminal x F! Cop Reader

Y/n stared at her clipboard then to the man sitting in front of her with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"So, why did you do what you did?" Y/n spoke, rubbing her temples. She did not have time for this.

"Do what?" The man replied while leaning in towards Y/n and smiling even wider.

"Akira, you entered a convenience store with a knife and told the cashier to call the police without even stealing anything, why?" Y/n was getting annoyed, this idiotic simpleton was sitting there looking pretty while she was running on half an hour's worth of sleep and a candy bar that she ate the day before.

"I did it for you, my dear." The man by the name of Akira replied with a dazed look in his eyes as he stared at Y/n.

"Well, I'm also gonna do something for you called, 'locking yo ass in a jail cell for 6 months' lest you tell me why you did it."

"I did it so I could see you." Y/n rolled her eyes at the man's antics. She couldn't actually lock up Akira since he didn't steal anything or hurt anyone, he just stood there.

She got up from her seat and told the guards to let him go before exiting the building. It was a Friday and she could finally get some sleep.

Once she arrived home, she changed out of her uniform and wore a cosy pair of checkerd pajamas before plopping down onto her warm bed and immediately falling asleep.

The Next Morning ☆

Y/n woke up to the birds chirping outside, just as she was about to go back to sleep she was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing.

"Ugh, on a Saturday?"she thought to herself as she picked up her phone to check the caller ID.

Shit. It was her boss! Y/n jolted out of bed and checked the date to make sure that it was really a Saturday before picking up the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke timidly, was she getting fired? "Ms. L/n I'm sorry to disturb your morning." Her boss, Mr. Grey spoke, "If you don't mind please head to number 21 Birdsview Avenue, your suspect from yesterday, Akira Yuuji has broken into another house."

"On it." Y/n sighed. That god damn Akira was gonna be the death of her. Showering and quickly putting on her uniform, she got into her car and headed to 21 Birdsview Avenue.

Outside the house sat Akira with a knife in his hand. "Well, if it isn't my favourite cop." He spoke opening his arms and motioning her to hug him.

Instead she grabbed his one hand and put it in a cuff, then grabbed his other and put it in another cuff.

"Akira Yuuji, your are being arrested for break in with possession of a deadly weapon, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

"Well that's not very nice, is it?" He spoke as she walked him to her car.

"I need to go home quickly and grab a couple documents, so you stay here." She warned him as she drove to her house.

Y/n got out the car and into the house, oblivious to the man in her backseat taking note of where she lived.

Once she had the documents she exited her house and got back into the car, driving to the police station.

When they arrived, Akira got out of the car and followed her into the station. "Ms. L/n, we have suspect Akira Yuuji's holding cell ready. Please follow me."

Another officer spoke as Y/n followed him followed by Akira. Y/n gently pushed Akira into the cell as she un-cuffed him.

"I told you I was gonna lock yo ass in a jail cell for 6 months." She bragged to the man behind bars. "It's fine, atleast I get to see your everyday now." He replied while sitting on the bed and leaning onto the wall.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked away until Akira suddenly shouted, "Y/n!" She turned around as annoyed as one can be, "What?"

"Lock your doors tonight." He spoke with a smirk on his face. Y/n felt chills go down her spine but decided to ignore the man.

She carried on walking away and could feel Akira's gaze on her. She got back into her car and drove home.

It was round about 6p.m when she arrived. She did her usual nighttime routine and decided to watch a movie.

Popcorn and soda in hand, she made her way over to her living room and plopped down onto the couch.

Scrolling through Netflix, she settled on "Howl's Moving Castle"

She ate her popcorn pretty fast and it was all finished before the movie even reached the 30 minute time mark.

Y/n could feel her eyelids getting heavier and soon fell asleep with the calming movie playing in the background.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Y/n rubbed her eyes as she was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

She grabbed her phone off the table and checked the caller ID. "Mr. Grey" it read. "Not again." She thought to herself as she picked up the phone.

"Yes hello?" She answered, her voice a bit groggy as she had just woken up.

"Officer L/n! The suspect Akira Yuuji has escaped from his holding cell, I'm just checking in to make sure your okay!"

At that very moment, Y/n heard a window breaking, coming from upstairs round about where her bedroom would be.

She suddenly remembered what Akira had told her before she left.

"Lock your doors tonight."

Hey guys, should I make a part 2 to this?

Please also be sure to check out my new story, "Yandere Island"

Don't forget to vote and if you want, follow (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Enjoy your day/night and I hope you enjoyed!

-1029 words


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