S2 ~ CH-23 - A Clumsy Encounter!

Start from the beginning

They first stayed in Jubilife for a hour or two so that Serena could see how different the region was compared to others.

Sadly however they weren't able to enjoy the peacefulness for long in the city famous for its TV producers. One crew actually found out they had traveled to their city and kept chasing them and invading their privacy, causing our heroes to abruptly leave the city.

Being a former Kalos Queen and an Alolan Champion seemed big news. Luckily for Ash, there were just a handful of people who knew about his titles in Kanto and Galar as he battled there under an alias.

Now it was little over twelve as they were sitting at a river side, having a picnic along with their pokemon. At the moment, Ash only had his Charizard, Pikachu, Greninja and Metang on him.

Serena on the other hand had her Pancham, Delphox, Deerling, Sylveon and Absol. She decided to keep Altaria back at home as it really loved her mother's garden. Also, her mom seemed to be in love with the pokemon and Altaria proved to be really handy when she needed to go and get groceries or whatever business she had going on out of town. With Serena's Altaria on hand, she could just fly and be there a lot quicker than traveling by Rhyhorn.

Serena sat on the blanket that was stretched out over the open space of grassland. The blanket was filled with delicious food, aswell as the picnic basket itself.

Ash on the other hand was almost laying on the blanker but still leaned on his elbows so he was able relax while having a good time.

Together, they laughed and joked, mostly having fun while they had some time to relax.

As Serena was taking a bite of her sandwich that she had prepared seconds before, Ash took a moment to appreciate having her by his side. He was really happy to have her support him and pulling him through everything.

But as the thoughts of appreciation filled his mind, something came to mind aswell. He never properly thanked her for that. He wanted to thank her for what she had done for him.

At that moment, he realised he hadn't taken her on a date yet since they came back together. He knew that Serena loves going on dates and surprisingly, he had an idea what to do.

"Hey Ash," Serena spoke up, ending his trance as he gave her a questioning look. Serena giggled a little as she noticed he was staring. "What is the name of the next place we're heading again?" She asked.

"Floaroma Town. Then, we need to go through Eterna Forest before we finally get to Eterna City." He explained. It was quite easy to him as he had traveled most of the region already before.

"Thanks!" She said, taking out her rotom phone before she searched for something. "They say that Flo-"

"Bi- Bi- Bi-"

"Doof! Bidoof!"

Serena was interrupted by a bunch of Bidoof. They were walking in line, carrying wood while one with a heavier voice was instructing them.

Both Ash and Serena were awestruck as they worked together and walked past them, seemingly no Carr in the world, as if they didn't even notice Ash, Serena and their pokemon.

"Bi! Bi! Bi!"

Then, out of the bushes came another Bidoof.. Its voice was a bit higher than the others. For some odd reason, Ash recognised it's voice. Now he thought of it, he also recognised the voice of thr one instructing them.

The Bidoof was hasting to catch up with its friends.

"Look Ash!" Serena said with glee and excitement as she watched them Salk to the riverbank. "Look how they work together as a team. Isn't it beautiful?" She asked.

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