What did he mean? Anyways I went back reading it.

Anyways I wanted to end this letter by please dont get pregnant or have a boyfriend and I love you bug..
You remember you use to call me that. Lol anyways I know you'll have a boyfriend but dont get pregnant.
If you need anything let me know. One phone call and I'll be in L.A in 10 secs.

I folded the letter back up and put it beside me.

"Whats in the box?"

"I dont know" I put my hair behind my ear and opened the box and it was yorki.

"YORKI!!!!" I yelled and her tail came up.

"Oh the evil dog Yorki" Cameron said glaring at her.

"Cameron shes not evil" I said petting her.

"One,she try to bite me, two, she did bite me, and three, SHE HATES ME"

"you got to know yorki shes not evil"

"Jax would eat her if he was here right now"

"Where is Jax?"

"He had to go to a Dog camp"


"Uh.. he uh.. try to bite a man."

"And yorki wouldn't do that' "that evil dog would"

"Cameron just pet her."

"Ughh.. alright" Cameron petted her and she licked his fingers.

"Aww" then he picked her up..

"Aren't you just cute. Yes you are" he said baby talk. "Yesh you ar-" I had one eyebrow up and lightly chuckled. I looked at my phone and it was 11:57a.m

"Babe I got to go to the beach."

"Okay leave yorki with me we'll be alright, just dont Kiss him and have an affair with him." I pecked his lips.

"I won't" I said and he pecked my lips back.

I went up stairs to Change. I was wearing jean shorts, a crop top, my raybans and rainbow sandals.
I walked down to the beach and I saw austin in shorts, A blue shirt and his blue raybans.

"Hey Austin"I yelled.

"Hey Jess" he yelled back walked towards me.

"Don't you look pretty" I blushed


we walked on the beach. There were alot of kids playing and alot of teens playing volleyball.

"Mrs.... Whats your boyfriends name ?"


"as in Dallas" Austin said looking at me.


"wow,I so look better than him" Austin mumbled.

"Whatca Say?" I said one eyebrow up.

"Oh nothing I said wow he so looks better than me."

"Okay so who is your lucky girlfriend? " I asked.

"Oh her name is Lindsay carter."

"So who is your bestfriend? Because you know my bestfriend"

"Oh Nomani Kodei"

"in fifth Harmony"

"Yeah. They sing that song "give to me im worth it" austin said Imitating them and I giggled.

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