Hannah might be small for a 9-year-old, but unless I keep hold of her, she is likely to bound off into the forest.

I firmly grab the straps of her backpack. "Go where?"

Hannah speaks so fast that I can only catch snatches of her conversation. "Emergency radio communications... lights... sky... UFOs... We need to go look for the aliens, now!"

I sigh. I don't know what is worse: my dad who has left me with the twins for the night, or my sister who is ready to run off into the forest.

I turn her back toward the house. "Nope, too dangerous. Let's go inside."

"Not fair! I want to meet the aliens," she whines.

"Why can't we search for a meteor, too? If we find one, we could sell it, probably for a hundred dollars. Then we could buy you a plane," says Oliver.

"First of all, a plane costs more than a hundred dollars, and second of all, it's dangerous."

"Why should Dad get to have all the fun?" Oliver says.

"Yeah, why does Dad get to have all the fun," Hannah shouts.

Is anyone even listening to me? It is going to be a long night.

I look off toward the forest. The glowing green light pulsates, making everything feel magical. Combined with the excitement of my brother and sister, well...

Explore, my mind whispers.

If we were lucky enough to find a meteor, we probably wouldn't be able to afford a plane, but maybe we could buy other nice things. My sister relies on the library for books. I imagine how fun it would be to take her to a bookstore, let her run amuck, and bring home all the books she wants.

"Yeah, why does Dad get to have all the fun," I repeat.

Oliver looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yes!"

"What's happening," asks Hannah.

"Only if you both follow the rules," I say sternly.

Oliver makes an X over his chest and when Hannah glances back and forth between us, Oliver grabs her wrist and moves her like a puppet, making an X over her chest, too.

"We promise," says Oliver, dropping Hannah's hand.

I roll my eyes. Oliver's sugary sweetness is an act. More like he is trying to coerce me, but...

Why does Dad get to have all the fun?

I don't want to be completely irresponsible. "Hannah, what do you have in your backpack?"

"A constellation map, a plant identification book from the library, a flashlight, extra batteries, snacks, juice boxes, and—"

"Good enough. Let's go."

Some might think leading kids into the forest at night is dangerous. It isn't. The woods were our backyard growing up, our place for adventures and even foraging for food whenever dear old dad disappeared for a couple of days. Tonight, tromping through the woods feels different; the world crackling with possibilities, until...

White light flickers and flashes between the trees. I stop, trying to make sense of what is ahead of us.

Fire and smoke belch from a pit in the ground, and men as large as football linemen climb out.

Oliver taps my arm and points toward some shrubs. I nod. Together we run, diving into them.

"Oliver," I whisper. "Where is—"

Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя