Chapter 36 - Professor Snape's New Jobs (Severus Snape x Female Harry Potter)

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

"Mummy! Mummy! Look!"

Harriet's emerald eyes traveled from the twins nursing at her full breasts to the small, black-haired girl who waited with an anxious smile and a piece of parchment in her hand.

"What's that you've got there, sweetheart?" She asked with a tired smile.

"I drew a picture of you and Daddy!" The little girl exclaimed before she began to climb onto the sofa.

Once she realized her daughter's intent, Harriet moved over as gently as she could and let her eldest child settle next to her.

"See, Mummy? Daddy's there and you're beside him!" The little girl explained as she traced the picture with a small, chubby finger.

On the parchment, there was one, long black blob and one reddish-green stripe beside it.

"It's brilliant, sweetheart." Harriet replied as she kissed the top of her daughter's head.

"Do you think Daddy will like it?" The little girl asked hopefully as she blinked at her mother.

Harriet opened her mouth to answer but a deep, low voice spoke instead.

"-I think that Daddy.......would be more interested in knowing you had obeyed him and stayed in the playroom with your brothers."

Harriet turned as best she could and grinned when she caught a glimpse of Severus standing in the doorway to their large bedroom.

"I just wanted to show Mummy my new picture!" The little girl pouted.

"........And did I not warn you that your mother needs her rest?" Severus asked.

"She's not bothering me, Sev." Harriet chuckled as she clutched the baby in her right arm close and gently patted the little girl's back.

"Come along, Lydia." Severus drawled as he stood like an unmoving prison guard at the door.

"But Mummy wasn't asleep!" The little girl, Lydia, protested.

Severus stretched one of his long arms out by his side and opened his hand.

"Why don't you work on another picture for a while, sweetheart, and then I'll come have a look as soon as your brother and sister have finished their lunch?" Harriet asked as her daughter turned towards her with a pout.

"Can I touch your belly, Mummy?" Lydia frowned.

"Of course you can." Harriet smiled.

Severus stood with his jaw clenched and his body braced as he watched his tiny daughter gently lay a hand on his mate's heavily pregnant abdomen, as if he expected a need to rush in and save his wife from some unintentional harm.

"Do you promise you'll come and see my new picture, Mummy?" Lydia asked as she blinked up at Harriet.

"I promise, love." Harriet smiled before she leaned forward and placed a loving kiss against Lydia's little forehead.

Using that same gentleness, Lydia giggled as she took her hand away from Harriet, slipped off the sofa, and toddled over to grasp her father's hand.

Harriet sighed after she watched her alpha lead their little one away, before she let her head slip back against the arm of the sofa as she closed her eyes.

Not more than five minutes later, Harriet's lips curled into a smile while the rich, seductive scent of her alpha filled the air as Severus glided back into the room.

Harriet didn't bother protesting as his arms slid under her to safely scoop her and their youngest babies up.

"She really wasn't bothering me, Sev." Harriet chuckled as Severus silently carried all three of them across the room to the waiting bed.

Harriet let her arms fall away once Severus settled her into the covers, fluffed the pillows behind her, and reached out to collect their sleeping twins.

After he laid the babies in their nearby bassinet, close enough to be within their mother's reach, he bent over his sleeping wife and whispered in his velvet voice, "..........Rest, my love."

Harriet felt a kiss flutter against her lips as a careful hand ghosted over her belly before a soft smile planted itself on her fair face as she drifted off to sleep.

Since retiring from Hogwarts and marrying his least favourite student, Severus had found real and true fulfillment in his new jobs........husband, partner, father.

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