Severus Snape's Best Day - (Severus Snape x Lily Evan)

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Severus Snape loved Lily Evans.

No one knew that, of course, except for Severus himself.

When Lily ended her friendship with Severus during their fifth year at Hogwarts, he thought that would be the worst day of his life.

He was wrong.

The worst day of Severus Snape's life came when he learned that his beloved Lily had started dating his nemesis, James Potter.

The best day of Severus's life was yet to come, and after that initial low point, his dark world gradually brightened.

Lily and James parted ways two months before graduation.

Not long after, Lily dropped her books in the stone hallway one afternoon.

Severus watched them fall from her arms and he rushed forward to help her collect them.

When their eyes connected, Severus spoke first, "Lily...... I am profoundly and truly sorry for what I said and what happened between us."

"I'm sorry too, Sev." Lily replied with a wry smile, "What you said was terrible, but I've thought about it more.......I've thought about it a lot, actually......I was cruel to you too. Can you ever forgive me?"

Severus responded with a nod and Lily flashed him that soft smile of hers that he had missed so much.

Together, they walked the rest of the way to class.

Two years had passed since Severus's worst memory and in that time, he had examined himself thoroughly.

Severus Snape had faced a critical decision....what was more important to him, Lily or his love for the dark arts?

He had chosen Lily.

Severus had refused Lord Voldemort's invitation to join the ranks of the Death Eaters.

Instead, Severus had aligned himself with Dumbledore and worked towards the greater good, all without any certainty that Lily would ever speak to him again.

On that afternoon before graduation, after Severus had helped Lily pick up her books, he watched her shimmering, crimson hair swing as she walked into the dungeon classroom and sat down at the table.

Severus sucked in a breath and clutched the books in his arms closer to his chest when Lily looked back at him and smiled again.

Severus knew that he had made the right choice.


Graduation day came.

Severus and Lily talked while James Potter sulked as he wallowed in bitter defeat that Lily had terminated their relationship.

Lily's smile was as bright as ever, but Severus had practically no experience with women.

She sat close to him, just as she had when they were children, but did that mean anything?

Did Lily feel what he felt?

.........Could she possibly?

Severus didn't know but he was determined to find out, one day, however long that took.

He wouldn't rush anything, though.

Severus Snape was not a pushy man.

He wouldn't dare reveal his heart to Lily, either, that would be too risky.

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