Frustrating Draco (Fem!Harry x Draco)

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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Harriet Potter learned when she married Draco Malfoy that being one of the upper class came with an assortment of duties that she hadn't originally anticipated.

Her own parents had been wealthy.

Had their lives been similar?

Once the ashes of the war settled, the Malfoy family sought to cleanse their name in the eyes of others. Charities were established, apologies were made. Gradually, social acceptance was achieved by the disgraced family.

Unfortunately, the Malfoy's climb back into the positive limelight meant that Harriet and Draco spent their first few years as newlyweds attending one soirée after another. They barely had a free evening. Harriet often wondered if Draco found the endless barrage of flamboyant events to be as mind-numbing as she did.

During one particular ball which was held to raise money for families still recovering financially from the devastation of the war's effects, Draco seemed as bored as Harriet.

Perhaps that wasn't it though, perhaps he was just more interested in Harriet than he was in the event they were attending......

Harriet had noticed when they left the manor that night that Draco was wearing the cologne she favored on him. It was impossible for her to miss the way that his grey eyes lingered on her throughout the night, especially when they stood on opposite sides of the room.

Draco wasn't just looking at Harriet, he was waiting for a good opportunity to approach his bride.

Draco had his own frustrations with their full schedule~.

The ball that night wasn't held at Malfoy manor but at another wealthy wizarding family's grand estate. After her first glass of wine, Harriet excused herself from the party to go and find a restroom.

It was on her way back to the ballroom that Draco found his wife alone at last in a deserted hallway.

Like a hidden assailant, Draco swept up behind Harriet and pulled her back against his chest in a low purr as he placed a seductive kiss on the side of her pale throat.

"This party's a bore. What do you say we find an empty room, love?" Draco cooed. The arrogance in his voice was laughable. Harriet could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke.

"Seeing as how much the Malfoy reputation has recovered, I hardly think you need to be caught acting like a wild animal at a charity event. Let go of me, Draco." Harriet scowled, though she made no outward protest to leave his grasp except for rubbing herself against him as she squirmed.

Harriet was well aware that Draco would not let her go.

That was what made it fun......

"You're a tease, Potter~." Draco chuckled darkly in Harriet's ear, allowing his gaze to dip down to the alluring amount of cleavage that peeked out over the top of her tight dress.

"I'm a Malfoy, Draco. Now let me go before someone comes and sees. We have plenty of empty rooms at home. Your parents are at this ball! Would you like them to walk in on us?" Harriet snapped.

"We'll leave early, then~." Draco purred.

Harriet scowled when Draco loosened his grip, but her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her throat as he took the opportunity to give her pert bottom a firm pinch.

As they walked back towards the main party together, Harriet glanced over at Draco, careful to look away right when he glanced over at her.

The night wore on and Draco found himself locked in conversation after conversation.

To his annoyance, the hour grew later and later.

Draco wasn't certain when Harriet cast the spell or made the switch or whatever she did, however she did it........Draco just knew that around midnight, as he stood at the bar set up in the ballroom, finishing his drink, he removed his handkerchief from the inner pocket of his blazer.

His eyes narrowed at the unfamiliar black lace in his hands.

That wasn't right.......

He had selected a handkerchief of green silk to match his tie that evening.....

Draco unfolded the black lace and his grey eyes widened as he recognized that he was holding not a handkerchief but his wife's thong. The thong which he distinctly remembered her prancing around their room in hours earlier, while they had gotten dressed.

Draco was glad that the lights at the ball were dim. He was certain that no one saw what was in his hands as he hastily refolded the lingerie and shoved it quickly back into his inner pocket.

His pupils dilated with want as he realized that if he had Harriet's panties, that meant......

She was.......

Scanning the room, Draco spied his wife chatting with a group of other witches.

Harriet glanced over casually at Draco and he caught the hint of a grin that curled her lips before she took another sip of wine from the glass in her hands.

Harriet's cheeks burned as she felt her husband's molten stare scorch into her from across the room as his eyes wandered over her body.

Harriet glanced over again after a moment passed and Draco mouthed the word to her silently......



Later that night, once they were finally able to leave the ball, Draco and Harriet had a dance of their own as they moved from the wall to the floor to the bed.

Harriet was exhausted, feeling the beads of sweat drip down her back as Draco pumped into her, but she loved it, his energy.

His endurance.

"Had enough yet?" She dared to taunt as they collapsed onto the bed, out of breath.

"Is that a challenge, Potter?" Draco asked with a smirk as he looked over at his wife.

Draco admired the way Harriet's cheeks blushed from her pleasure as she replied, ".....Do you want it to be?"

Draco laughed and pulled Harriet close to him.

Still out of breath, they began to kiss again as Draco wrapped his arms around his bride.

They both knew the need for a contraception charm, but Draco purposefully didn't cast one that evening.

Harriet purposefully offered him no reminder.

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