24. A Fool in Royalty

Start from the beginning

"I mean, aren't you going to kill me? For touching the precious prince hiding behind you like a scared little puppy," I continue.

He scoffs, "Your mouth won't get you anywhere here. Neither will your title. Here?" he gestures around him, "You're nothing. You're alive because we allow you to be. You should be begging to do anything for us."

"I'm alive because I have to be. What would happen if it got out that Rhea Windsor died in Aepresea, just after her parents when they came to visit here? What would happen to your despicable king and queen's reputation? The kind and caring front they put up? Just how quickly would it be destroyed by a simple death?"

He chuckles coldly, "Do you know how quickly it could be covered up? Do you really think you're all knowing? That you had everything figured out? Don't underestimate just how far ahead of you we are."

"If it was that simple for Alexander and Emery, they could just have me killed. Instead, you're wasting food, keeping me alive. I'm alive because you were ordered to keep it that way."

"You're wasting your breath Rhea. I'd be eating that food if I were you, because you aren't getting any for a while," Gabriel spits.

My eyes adjust better, as I stare at Liam. He looks uncomfortable. A sense of fear and hesitation peeks through his eyes as he stares back at me. I notice the way he analyzes me, as if he doesn't know what to make of me.

He stands there in a royal suit, clearly never worn before. He looks out of place in his own kingdom. Dressed up like a doll to keep up a charade for his parents. To look more serious, more intimidating.

But to me, he looks terrified of me, and of Gabriel.

He doesn't look serious. He seems fragile.

And fragile I can work with. He's the weak link. My way out.

Gabriel already made his mind up of me. I'm the betraying bitch that destroyed whatever space his heart held for me.

I'm a traitor to him.

Someone who dared to touch the prince. The prince of the kingdom he's incredibly loyal to.

But Liam?

He's unsure. The hesitation I so clearly see in him isn't for me and who I am. It's for the guard protecting him, for his parents, and for what he's representing. It's hesitation for who he thought his loved ones were.

Unfortunately, for him, he doesn't know how to hide that so well.

"What about you?" I nod to Liam, " Don't tell me you're going to let a guard speak for you, your royal highness."

He gulps, panic settles in his eyes as he glances at Gabriel for help, "I don't need to waste words on you," he looks me up and down, "You're filthy, and you can rot in here for all I care. Better it's my guard talking to you, and not me."

I smile, someone taught him well with words. But I think he forgot his poker face lessons.

I step closer, as my chains pull against my wrists. "It's embarrassing how lowly you seem. Standing there, letting a guard like him," I nod towards Gabriel, "make insufficient threats to your most bloodthirsty enemy. You want me to take you seriously? Make those threats yourself. Show me just how dangerous you can be when mommy and daddy make orders. Because right now? You look like a fool masked in royalty."

His eyes slightly widen, like he just became aware of the situation, of where he is.

Gabriel glares at me, making no attempts to disagree. He knows how it looks to me. He knows my words are right.

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