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The sun was up in the sky, disdainfully staring at the-yet-to-awake-lazy-heads when Bidziil awoke. Perhaps, it was because of the incident the day before, the conception of Bidziil being a morning person had flown out of his wind.

And if it wasn't for the arrival of his outing buddies, Bidziil was likely not to leave the comfort of his soft bed, the only noteworthy thing of the previous host.

After groggily refreshing himself, Bidziil was more alert.

Bidziil walked to the walk-in closet in search of clothes for his first outing in the new world.

However, a few minutes later, his jaw dropped, and his lips twitched due to all he saw.

Even though Bidziil expected the previous host to be a silly person with poor fashion taste, he never expected the owner to be this bad.

Bidziil rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache creeping as he stared at the flashy and trashy-style clothing.

"Just how did his parents have the mind to let him out with such a stupid choice? And how did his friends have the mind to walk with him with such a choice? Ai, irritating." Bidziil spat out with disdain while going through the previous Bidziil's choice of clothes.

Although Bidziil knew he was monotone, in his world there were different flashy teen styles that he also accepted and wore, but not the previous host's crude choice of clothing which is far from decent.

Bright pink, Bright Purple, and Bright Green clothes with torn designs, flashy big chains, and huge stone decorations. Just what the hell!

How the hell did he expect Inti or whatever to accept him? Just the clothing style is enough to irritate one, ah!

Unfortunately, the previous Bidziil believed that if he was dressed in flashy styles, no matter how far he was or how dark the vicinity was, Inti would recognize him among a million people. How incredible!

Unexpectedly, he didn't realize that it was one of the reasons Inti took a great dislike to him.

Suppressing his urge to curse loudly, Bidziil went through the whole closet before he finally found a decent white t-shirt with blue jeans but with huge stone decorations.

Bidziil rubbed his forehead and stared at his flashy self through the full mirror.

The pale boy was dressed in a white t-shirt that fell to his thighs and skin-clinging jeans that not only highlighted his skin tone but revealed his body shape.

"Annoying, but I'll manage it for now." He muttered to himself and picked up his phone and wallet before he left the room.

With the fingerprint scan, he was able to unlock the phone, change the phone lock, and open the banking app. However, he was a little shocked by the previous host's account balance.

According to the price tag he had seen in the clothes, the price in Bidziil's account wasn't enough to buy one expensive shirt.

Bidziil only had 509 country X money in his account. Just what kind of spendthrift is this person?

Bidziil huffed. Now that he has this genius brain of his, it's only a short while for him to become the popular BZ he was. He can't wait to dominate Country X.

Bidziil's lips curved up in a devious arc. Since there's no Oswald here to suppress him, Bidziil will use the advantage of that jerk's absence to be the famous person here. Famous enough that all the beautiful sisters will be throwing themselves and stripping themselves to seduce him. Maybe transmigrating was not a bad thing after all.

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