4 DECEMBER, 2021

61 21 0

Hi, my name is Liam, and I'm sitting in my room right now. That was the story of my past, and after that, I was in the hospital for almost a year. I suffered from anxiety attacks and depression. I'm still on a lot of medication, but I'm doing much better than I used to. It was the best time of my life when Bella was with me. Those 1.5 months were the best of my life. I wrote this life experience for people who are afraid to face their feelings. Life can end at any moment, so I'll suggest you just do it, or you'll lose it.

In this story, I wrote down the entire role of Bella in my life from beginning to end. You'll find so many mistakes, so remember not to repeat them. It takes a lot of time to find real love, but one day you might find the perfect love of your life.

You know, life presents you with so many challenges, and you have to face them. I've got to face the truth that I lost her,

and I didn't even tell her that I fell in love with her. I really don't know why, but I can say that her plan worked well. The only thing I'm upset about is that I didn't understand her hints and kept talking to her like an idiot. I'm a real nerd.

I've seen a lot of people in the hospital suffering from something. But I can see that most of them also enjoyed all the little things, believing that life could end at any moment. Why don't we just stay happy? This is the same thing Bella has always done. She enjoyed every moment we were together.

When I was in the hospital, her mother used to come to visit me, and all the time she talked about Bella and about her childhood. Alex and Emma also came to give me those photos, which they took in the garden. Those photos are now on the walls of my room. When I look at those photos, I get glimpses of that day. A picture in which she was smiling is framed, and I put it on my side table.

Enjoy all the moments of your life because you don't know what will happen next. Live for your own happiness and for your family.

I wrote all about us in this story. So this journey was......

                                                               " It's All About Us ''

                                                                       THE END

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