15 FEBRUARY, 2019

61 23 0

I just arrived home, checked my message, and saw her message that she also arrived home safely. I just don't know what happened to me today when I saw her. I think it's just an attraction because I was on my first date. It was a fake date, but it was still a date. The weather was so nice today that I can't even explain it, and the wind had a kind of scent that relaxed my mind.

We both started our date the way she planned, and maybe we ended it the way she wanted. We didn't talk much, but I was happy to have someone with me. Her presence made me feel good and put me at ease. I am not the type to start a conversation, but she is, and today she was so calm. I could not believe my eyes when I saw that she was not talking to me when we were in the garden. Neither of us talked much today, but I was happy, and so was she, because I could read the happiness on her face.

She already planned our special dinner at a good restaurant. She had already reserved a table for us yesterday because she knew the restaurants would be full on Valentine's Day. She had chocolates and flowers in her hand the whole time. I even asked her to give them to her, but she refused and smiled while saying, "These are my gifts."

Finally, the most unexpected moment came. She gave me a hug. We were waiting for the bus when she hugged me. It was not easy for me to deal with this kind of surprise. For a few seconds, I was out of all my senses. It happened so fast that I did not have a chance to hug her. She even held me tightly when her bus stopped in front of us.

It was the best experience of my life, and I loved this date. She gave me new feelings that I had never felt in my heart before and new energy in my body. I think it was a successful 'fake date'.

It's All About UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora