Armaan: (leaning even closer, his voice laced with tenderness)  I wanted this moment to be special, to be the last one to color you, to let you know that you hold a special place in my heart.

Khwahish's breath caught in her throat as his words sank in. The intensity of his gaze made her heart race, and a warm blush spread across her cheeks.

Khwahish: (softly) Everyone else has already colored me, sir. And there's not much space left.

Armaan: (smiling, his voice filled with affection) Space doesn't matter when it comes to matters of me and you, Khwahish. Sometimes, breaking the rules are meant for us ..stand still my girl.

Khwahish's heart skipped a beat at the endearment he used. She leaned against the wall, her eyes locked with his, her heart pounding in her chest.

Armaan's gentle touch and the sweep of the red color against her stomach sent shivers down her spine. She felt a surge of emotions, a mix of excitement, longing, and a deep sense of connection.

Armaan: (softly) Happy Holi, khwahish

Khwahish: (whispering, her eyes filled with love) Happy Holi, sir.

As Armaan took a step back, his eyes still fixed on her, Khwahish felt a rush of warmth and an overwhelming sense of joy. In that moment, the colors of Holi seemed to pale in comparison to the vibrant love that blossomed between them.








.In the days that followed the colorful Holi celebration, Khwahish found herself reliving the tender moment shared with Armaan over and over again. His words echoed in her mind, and his affectionate gaze lingered in her thoughts like a cherished memory. The after-effects of Holi were more profound than she had ever imagined.

Whenever Khwahish and Armaan came face to face in college, there was an unspoken understanding between them. They exchanged shy smiles and glances filled with the unsaid emotions that had bloomed on that eventful day. It was as if a beautiful secret was shared between them, one that made their hearts beat in sync whenever they were near each other.

Khwahish found herself blushing whenever she remembered how Armaan had leaned closer, speaking with such tenderness that it melted her heart. She cherished the way he had colored her, making her feel cherished and loved. Their connection went beyond the colors of Holi; it was a bond that felt destined to grow stronger with time.

Despite the warm feelings that had blossomed between them, Khwahish couldn't help but feel shy around Armaan. She was uncertain of how to navigate this newfound affection, and a part of her worried about risking their friendship. However, every time she saw him, the magnetic pull drew her closer, and she couldn't help but smile at the beautiful memories they had created together.

One afternoon, as they crossed paths in the college library, Khwahish's heart raced, and her cheeks turned a rosy shade. Armaan's presence always had a profound effect on her, leaving her feeling both excited and timid at the same time.

Armaan: (grinning) Hey, junior. How's your day going?

Khwahish: (softly) Hi, sir. It's going well. How about you?

Armaan: (leaning against a bookshelf) It's better now that I've seen you.

Khwahish's heart fluttered at his sweet compliment, but she found herself feeling tongue-tied, unsure of how to respond.

Armaan(chuckled): let's go ..or you want to stand like this only

As they walked together through the library aisles, Khwahish realized that the colors of Holi had not faded away; instead, they had painted a canvas of love and affection between her and Armaan. They were now embarking on a new chapter—a chapter painted with the hues of friendship, trust, and the promise of a love that had found its way into their hearts during the festival of colors.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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