Lucy snapped out of her trance before replying. "Nyle it is not good manners to talk when your mouth is full. Finish yours first and if you are still hungry, then you can have mine dear." Lucy reprimanded as she wipes down the child's messy face.

"Ok!" The child beamed before eating with gusto once more.

"Oh, you just love spoiling them, don't you sister Lucy?" Lucy gave a small smile to sister Ivy before sighing.

"It is hard to say no, especially with that face." Lucy pointed to Nyle's glowing eyes as Ivy laughed.

"Are you sure you are not a mother from another time? I envy the man who would steal your heart." Lucy stiffens for a moment before shaking her head. It would have been a nice dream. Lucy thought before replying.

"You don't have to worry sister Ivy, I won't be leaving any time soon." Lucy replied.

"Don't be like that, sister Lucy! You're not a full fledge sister yet, you can still find someone and can marry! You still have a lifetime ahead of you, I'm sure there will be someone." Ivy insisted as Lucy sighed.

"Perhaps, but do you honestly believe I can capture a man with... this?" Lucy's throat tightened for a moment as she gestures to her scars. The hideous payment she had to forfeit for her freedom still clings bitterly from within. If only there was another way. Lucy slightly frowned when she noticed Ivy's face turned into a smirk.

"Oh? But I believe you already have, my dear innocent maiden." Ivy chuckled as Lucy blinked in confusion for a moment before realization struck her. Lucy could practically see her friend's smirk twisted into a triumphant grin as she blushes.

"I... I don't know whom you speak of..." Lucy whispered shyly.

"Oh? Playing coy now, aren't we? I was under the impression that a certain red hair merchant had caught your eye?" Lucy winces before quickly recovering.

"Sir Seth and I only talk purely professionally. Nothing more, nothing less." Lucy replied as Ivy replied as if the world was falling apart.

"Oh, how horrible! Sir Seth would be heartbroken if he could hear us now. After all, you were the one who gave him a kiss after all." It took all from Ivy from laughing hysterically at her friend's dumbfounded plight.

Despite the age gap between the two, Lucy acted as if they were the same age. A deeply disturbed and traumatized adult that is. Even with everyone's support, Ivy could still sense the silent war she was waging inside. It was barely noticeable, but it was there.

Ivy could still remember when she first arrived, staring distantly as if she was seeing what others could not. It is heartbreaking to see someone so young acting like an adult. Which is why it was so refreshing to see such an innocent and young reaction finally coming off from her.

Like a maiden caught red-handed with her hidden lover. "T-that was a misunderstanding! S-Seth had asked for an outrageous reward when I was being generous! I have simply exaggerated his request for my own musing! Nothing more I swear!" Lucy practically shouted as Ivy's grin turned maliciously evil.

"Oh my, you are already using first name bases now? I didn't know our Lucy could be so bold." Lucy felt her jaw fall as her ears redden like an apple.

"My oh my, that simply won't do. This is going too fast! I have to reprimand Seth before he steals you from us! I can't have our youngest member leave so soon." Ivy teased as Lucy avoided her sparkling gaze.

"Is this how mothers felt when their daughters finally leaves their care? Oh, if only I had known better, I wouldn't have given you away! Curse that red-headed scoundrel!" Lucy shut her jaws tight, swearing to keep silent until Ivy moved on, though it barely lasted a minute.

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