I write to ground myself

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I take showers as part of a nightly ritual. It's a little OCD to be honest with myself. I take showers to find out that there is still hope in the world (if you have habitual hot water & soap, how bad can things be?).

"Did you ever doubt that there was hope in the world?"

No, I take showers too regularly for that.

I write to make my feelings concrete, to ground me.

Late at night, I can admit to myself that my greatest fear is loosing the ability to communicate with people.

I wish that I would write more.

I eat Cheerios in the morning to remind myself that I enjoy the simple task of eating.

I re-read books to enjoy them again. But I also do it to prove to myself that things are less worrying when you look back at them - once you know the ending.

I like to be warm, but only if it's immediately contrasted with cold.

I think about the places that I don't go anymore, and I mourn their passing. However, I have no reason to return. I wonder if those places miss me.

I really enjoy writing found poetry. Taking someone else's words and making them mine is something that I have recently discovered that it is one of the things that I truly love.

For many things it seems like I'm choosing the options that I hate the least. When I am picking words out of stories, it seems like I am fully picking the words that I love the most.

Sincere RamblingsWhere stories live. Discover now