The Cattle Drive

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Low growls erupted from the large, previously extinct creatures nearby and the campers all chattered excitedly. 
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sammy cheered as she looked at the gyrospheres surrounding the six of them. She fixed her tank top, this time she was wearing a black one instead of her usual floral-patterned one with denim jeans, similar to the ones she was wearing when she first arrived on the island. 
"We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!" Kenji seemed genuinely excited for once, even though he had been in a gyrosphere plenty of times previously. Dave and Roxie soon got their attention by clapping their hands together. 
"Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to travel along behind the herd!" Roxie announced, making Darius and the others gasp in excitement. 
"Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!" Darius exclaimed with a wide grin on his face. Kenji looked over at him with a surprised yet unamused expression, rolling his eyes. 
"You may want to get a new jam, bro." He teased, nudging Darius with his fist. Dave cleared his throat and rested his hand on one of the gyrospheres, almost toppling over as the gyrosphere rotated. 
"Alright... Well, saddle up, dudes and dudettes!" He tried to brush over the incident that just happened, trying not to seem embarrassed by it. "We're going on a cattle drive, but with dinosaurs. It's a dino drive!" Dave declared, trying to usher the teenagers into the gyrospheres. Yaz happily rushed over to one of the gyrospheres, hoping she was able to be in one alone. She put on the earpiece and began to fiddle with a few of the controls. 

"And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" Ben questioned nervously, looking around as he shuddered, thinking about what could happen if there were carnivores around. 
"Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little... So we're ninety-nine percent sure." Roxie joked with a grin, giggling as Ben whimpered anxiously and ran off to one of the gyrospheres. Kenji then interjected into the conversation and spoke up.
"So uh, you sure these things are waterproof?" He asked, patting the last empty gyrosphere. There were only three gyrospheres, and six campers, meaning they had to share. "Looking pretty grim out here and hair this awesome does not come easy." Kenji lifted his hand to his hair, pointing at it. Dave sighed deeply, making a strange robot-like hand gesture as he began to speak.
"Your hair is gonna be fine, Kenji." He spoke slowly, making sure that the teenager understood his words, as if he was an alien. "The storm has already moved up the coast." The counsellor assured, looking over at Roxie who was writing down some stuff on her clipboard. Kenji sighed with relief, touching up his hair before responding. 
"Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do." He put on his sunglasses with a sly grin and Roxie quickly looked up, her eyebrows raised. 
"No way!" She yelled out. "You are riding with Ben, as a passenger." The woman added, her British accent clear in her words. 
"But— Seriously? He's so..." Kenji huffed, looking over at Ben, who was messing with a few of the controls in the gyrosphere. He cried out as the gyrosphere suddenly jerked forward, surprising him. 
"Live it up, tough guy." Dave put his hand on Kenji's shoulder, patting it as if he was comforting him. Kenji groaned and walked over to the gyrosphere that Ben was in, eventually getting into the passenger seat. Brooklynn and Sammy had both gone off too, leaving only Darius with the counsellors. 

"This is gonna be so sick." Yaz murmured beneath her breath, startling as Sammy appeared next to her. The girl had a habit of doing that.
"Right? Now we're in a shell together!" Sammy exclaimed cheerfully as she sat down in the passenger seat. "A shell for two." She buckled the seatbelt, smiling at Yaz who replied sarcastically. 
"Yay..." She replied unenthusiastically. Roxie opened the door to the jeep that her and Dave were going to drive along in, and stood up on the side of the door so that everyone could see her. 
"Alright, everyone, make sure to keep seatbelts on at all times!" She instructed, wanting the teenagers to stay safe. Dave looked over at Darius, who seemed a little lost. 

"Watcha waiting for, bud?" Dave asked, confused. Darius looked around for a moment before shifting his gaze back to the blonde man in front of him.
"Is there a gyrosphere I can drive solo, or...?" Darius seemed hopeful, as the only gyrosphere left was one with Brooklynn. The girl who he didn't get along very well with. She had used him for a lot of clout recently, which pissed him off.
"Darius, you need to ride with your fellow campers." Dave stated, ruffling his hand through Darius' curly hair. "Bond, live the camp life, share your story, man." He then removed his hand from Darius' hair and placed it on his hips.
"Yeah, I tried last night but—" Darius was then interrupted by Roxie, who had seen the two talking and had walked over to see what was happening.
"What's going on?" She inquired, glancing from Dave to Darius. "Is everything alright?" Dave looked over at her with the same wide smile that had been plastered on his face since the start. 
"Yeah! Everything's fine. Darius was just asking if he could drive solo." The man explained, shifting his gaze back to the young boy. "He seems to have had some bad mojo with making friends." He added, his grin faltering a bit. Darius huffed, knowing that he was most likely about to be lectured. 
"You can't give up, Darius." Roxie said confidently, even though Darius was pretty determined to give up. 
"You need to get out there, and show those other kids what you've got!" Dave added onto Roxie's statement. His words were confident, yet Darius still had doubt in them. 
"Be yourself, Darius. Teenagers can be very accepting if you just give them a chance." Roxie smiled. Dave's expression switched from a cheerful one to one of confusion, but it seemed to work for Darius as he began to walk away towards the last available gyrosphere. 
"...Do they not have teenagers in England?" Dave asked, looking over at Roxie; who looked back at him with an unpleased expression. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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