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"So, what are we doing tomorrow?" Dairus questioned with a wide grin on his face. Dave and Roxie looked at each other for a brief moment, it seemed like they had communicated with just looking at each other. 
"You'll find out tomorrow Kiddos!" Dave said as he rubbed his hands together as if he was some evil mastermind. Roxie nodded in agreement, a stern look still painted on her face.
"Now, go get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow." Roxie directed, pointing to the bunkroom. Kenji got up quickly and began to stroll to the bunkroom, clearly relaxed. It was if he had not one care in the world. Meanwhile Darius got up slowly and hung his head, scuffing his shoes against the floor as he walked. 
Darius couldn't sleep that night, he was too disappointed in himself. He had gotten in trouble on the first night of camp, how stupid was that? Not to mention he embarrassed himself in front of everyone when they had first gotten to the island. The counsellors probably perceived him as a fool. 
The pain in his ankle rapidly intensified over the few hours that he was sitting awake, staring out of the window, he didn't want anyone to find out that he had been bitten, that would only embarrass him further.

Once everyone was awake, they all got breakfast from the kind chef and sat down around a round table. There were a few rooms to the establishment, and one of them was just full of round tables and chairs, it was near the kitchen so it must have been some sort of cafeteria. It was across one of the many long bridges, which made Ben extremely nervous. He would get woozy every time they had to cross it. 
The six campers were all sitting around one of the tables and ate their food, five of them were conversing happily while Darius was sitting there just staring at his food. Brooklynn and Kenji shrugged it off as just being upset about the event from the night before, but it wasn't only that. Darius was dizzy, extremely dizzy. He thought that just one bite wouldn't be so bad, but his ankle was now starting to swell. 
"Alright camperulio's, it's go time!" Dave called out, standing at the entrance of the room with Roxie. All the campers; excluding Darius, rushed towards the entrance, wondering what they were going to do today. Darius eventually got up, wobbling ever so slightly. He shook it off and slowly wobbled to the others, following close behind them as they walked across the bridge.
"Oh I really don't like this bridge!" Ben exclaimed as he clung desperately onto the side railing. Kenji laughed and Brooklynn snapped a quick photo, which kind of annoyed Sammy. 
Sammy had good morals, she didn't find it fun teasing someone, especially not for what they were scared of... Except the fact that Ben was scared of whipped cream puzzled her and made her laugh a bit. 

Once they were all down on the ground, Ben sighed with relief. He didn't really like being so high up in the trees. Sure, it was cool and all, but every time he looked down he shivered with fright. The counsellors directed everyone into the vehicle before beginning to drive off towards the two locations that they were going to. 
In the distance there was a large pile of dung and Kenji fixed his sunglasses as he saw it. 
"Damn... Whoever has to clean up that pile of crap must  hate their life." Kenji said as he rolled his eyes. Roxie, who was driving, smirked at that comment. 
The car then pulled over, right next to the pile, making Darius frown as the realization hit him.
God damnit, Kenji jinxed it. 
"Alright, Darius, Kenji, come on!" Roxie called out for them as she got out of the vehicle and began to walk over to the pile. Dave followed after her, holding two shovels, which confirmed Darius' theory. He groaned quietly and grumbled under his breath, not wanting to do this. He frowned even more when he came up with multiple ideas of where the others could be going, he really didn't want to miss out on that.
"Enjoy cleaning this up, boys." Roxie grinned as Dave passed them the shovels. Kenji dropped his sunglasses as his jaw fell, realizing what they were supposed to do. "We're going to the genetics lab." Roxie bragged, making Darius feel even worse about having to be doing this. He had always wanted to see the genetics lab, he had always wanted to see dino eggs, and he really wanted to meet Dr. Wu, but thanks to Kenji's stupidity, climbing into a dinosaur enclosure, he was now hurt, and he had to clean up dinosaur droppings. 
Darius and Kenji were both holding the shovels, watching as Roxie climbed back into the truck. Dave paused for a brief moment and reached into his pocket, pulling out some small black vial, tossing it to Kenji. Kenji caught it and examined it, allowing Darius to look at it too. 
"Cologne, that'll help with the smell." Dave explained. A slight shuttering sound was heard as Brooklynn got another photo for her collection, grinning proudly at herself. "...And the ladies, what-what!" He cheered, banging his hands against the back of the vehicle as if it were a drum. Roxie rolled her eyes and started up the truck, waiting for Dave to get back in.
"But uh, mostly for the smell." He added quickly before getting into the vehicle passenger seat. "The stench of dinosaur dung can really linger." Was the last thing Dave said before cheering about the lab. Once everyone was safely buckled in, Roxie drove off in the direction of the lab, leaving Kenji and Darius with the mess. 
"Ugh.. Gross!" Kenji whined, flicking his foot and trying to get the dinosaur droppings off of his shoe. Darius sighed and watched the car drive away, he was extremely disappointed.

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