Camp Cretaceous

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As Darius' hands fiddled with the controller, his heart raced. He needed to win this game, he had been playing it every day for as long as he could for about a month; which is how long it had been since the game was released. He had seldom made it past the raptors, but when he did, he was always finished off by the T-Rex.
As the raptors chased after his character at a quick pace, he began to spam the controls, desperately trying to get away from them.
"Come on!" The NPC encouraged as Darius' character followed after him into the long grass. The NPC was wearing a leather vest over a pale toned green shirt and had a strange looking hat, it looked like one of the ones that a cowboy would wear. The NPC shortly jumped into a rushing river that was dotted with large rocks which were used as stepping stones.
"Hurry! We're almost to the extraction point!" The NPC called as it hopped along the stones as Darius' character landed in the water. 
"Wait! We can use the river to mask the scent—" Darius called out, talking to nobody. His character sat on one of the stones as the raptors hopped past him, eventually tackling the NPC and ravaging him with their sharp teeth and claws. Making strange, high-pitched hissing sounds as they tore him apart. Darius clenched his teeth but sighed with slight relief, he had made it past the raptors once again. He just needed to make it past the T-Rex. He took a deep breath and began to press the buttons on his controller once again, but he gasped and his breathing quickened when he noticed the T-Rex shadow appearing around his avatar and the ground shaking beneath. He moved the camera upward and saw the intimidating Tyrannosaurus looking down at him. The Dinosaur let out a low growl before moving it's head down and chomping down on the character. 
Darius sighed, clearly irritated as he threw down his controller and removed his VR headset. The bright red 'GAME OVER' words flashing on the screen.

"Roar!" Darius' brother, Brandon, yelled out as he grabbed onto the boys shoulder, scaring him. Darius yelped, flinching and raised his hands as he did. He rolled his eyes when he realized that it was only his brother and he groaned quietly. Brandon, nicknamed 'Brand', was around late high school to early college age and he looked very similar to Darius. With dark skin, kind of chocolate like with deep brown eyes and dark, short curly hair. 
"Not cool, Brand." Darius grumbled, clearly irritated. His brother chuckled and grabbed onto the sides of Darius' chair, before speaking.
"Yeah like you know what cool is." He teased as he began to push random keys on his keyboard, accidentally pushing some of the books off of the boys desk and onto the floor.
"Erg! Get off me!" Darius complained, pushing against Brandon, trying to get him out of the way. Brand rolled his eyes and laughed a little harder as he pushed the chair that Darius was on to the side. The chair spun as it moved across the room and Darius put a hand to his head to stop himself from getting dizzy. 
Brandon lifted up one of the many comic-like dinosaur books that were splayed out on his brothers desk and began to flick through it. 
"Come on man, those dinosaurs get you and that old guy every time!" Brandon said as he leaned against the edge of the oak colored desk. 
"His name is Dr. Meriwether." Darius explained as he pushed against the floor with his feet, rolling the chair back over to the desk. He took the book from Brandon and began to read it as he listened to Brand speak once again.
"Well his name oughta be 'Dinner'." Brandon joked as he stepped away from the desk and sat down on the edge of Darius' bed. It had a blue blanket on it and had a headboard which matched the color of the desk. Darius snickered quietly at that comment before sighing and flipping the page on the book one last time before shutting it and placing it back on the desk.
"Brand, I'm so close!" Darius stated with a slight whine as he spun the chair around while he was sitting on it. "I just need to get past the T-Rex and win the trip to—" Darius explained, getting cut off by his brother as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. 
"The trip to Jurassic World, I- I know." Brand interrupted, stuttering slightly as he spoke. "Look, if pro gamers say this thing is unbeatable then how is some Dino nerd kid gonna beat it?" He said. His words were actually reasonable, and Darius knew that, but he just didn't want to believe it. Darius and his father always wanted to go to Jurassic World together, but unfortunately that was impossible, as his father had tragically passed away not long before. 
"Wow, great pep talk, bro. Have you been workin' on that?" Darius murmured sarcastically as he turned away from his brother and back to the gaming monitor. Brandon sighed and shook his head, placing his head in his hands before standing up and walking over to Darius. Darius spun the chair back around and looked up at Brandon.
"Look, Darius, I know that getting to Jurassic world was your and Dad's dream—" He began, pausing to think of words to say. "But there's more to life than just dinosaurs you know... You never leave your room anymore, Dad wouldn't want this." Brand continued as he placed his hand on Darius' shoulder. The boy sighed and glanced away from his older brother for a moment, eventually nodding and making eye contact with him again.
"Look, I hear you but I just.. It doesn't hurt to try, you know?" Darius replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he looked up at his brother. Brandon's somewhat gloomy expression eventually lifted and he smiled softly at his younger brother. 
"Yeah, alright D. But maybe take a break, take a shower. You're smelling pretty funk bro." Brandon said teasingly. 'D' was his nickname for Darius, it was a plain one but it worked. He lifted his hand from Darius' shoulder and up to his hair, messing it up as he laughed. Darius laughed with his brother and nodded before pushing his hand away.
"Okay, whatever!" He said once he had stopped laughing. Brand began to walk out of the room before stopping in the doorway and turning his head back to the younger boy. 
"Look, you do you D, just do it quietly... I don't want Mom on my case again for you staying up all night—" He said, cutting himself off once he noticed that Darius wasn't paying attention. He had already picked up another Dinosaur book and was flipping through the pages while the screen flashed in front of him.

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