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The sound of beeping echoed throughout the white room, sunflowers were sat in a vase on one of the many surfaces in the room and sun blared in through the large window that faced out into the city. 
"Hey dad!" Darius called out happily as he entered the pristine hospital room. "You won't believe it, but there are all these rumors online that Jurassic World will release a new dinosaur by the end of this year!" The young boy exclaimed excitedly, standing beside the hospital bed that Fredrick Bowman, Darius' dad, was laying in. 
"Oh, really?"  His dad replied with a weak smile spread across his face.
"Yeah! What do you think it'll be?" Darius inquired, looking down at his father expectantly. 
"Maybe they'll finally make an Anchiornis." The older man suggested. "Or maybe a Carnotaurus, heh." He chuckled quietly, 
"Dad, they've already got that." Darius reminded, sounding unamused. Fredrick opened his mouth to speak but Darius quickly interrupted. "And whatever you do, do not ask me if I'm 'Carno-sure-us'." These words made both Darius and his father laugh.
"Of course, you're right." His father began. "You really do know it all." He weakly lifted his arm up, giving Darius a playful nudge with his fist. 
"Not everything." Darius murmured, his tone was slightly dim but he quickly cheered up. "That's why this Jurassic World trip is going to be awesome!" He cheered before beginning to explain everything that he had planned out. "And we're going in May when they're doing all their hatchery tours!"
"Darius—" His father attempted to speak, but he was cut off by Darius' excitement. 
"I've planned the whole thing out. Where the lines are short so you won't get too tired, where the benches are for you to take breaks
" He explained, thinking considerably about what would be best for his fathers help. He had spent so long planning this trip out, it needed to be perfect.
"D-man, about the trip..." His father began, sounding dull.
"Dad..." Darius interrupted once more. "Don't say it." The boy sounded as if he were about to cry, but he was holding it back. "You're gonna get better. You have to get better." He annunciated 'have', making it sound more urgent and confident. "I- I need you to get better.
" His voice cracked and he sounded on the verge of a breakdown. He had been holding back his feelings around everyone, not wanting to bother anyone or make his mother feel worse. His dad told him to be strong for her. 
"I'm tryin', son." The man started. "There's a lot of things we were supposed to do together... So many things." 
Darius interrupted once more, trying to lighten the mood as the clouds covered the sun, causing the room to go ever so slightly dark. "That we can still do!" Darius said hopefully. His father only sighed before speaking up once more. Darius began to nervously flatten the lumpy bed covers, smoothing them out. 
"Listen to me." His tone was stern and had a harsh tinge to it. "This life, it don't always go your way. Things fall apart." This time, his words were more meaningful. "But what matters is how you choose to keep moving forward. What matters is that you keep goin' for the people who need you most." He explained, taking Darius' hand in his. "That's... That's the promise we make every day we get." Darius was looking down at his father with sadness in his eyes. "That despite all the hardships... You never give up." Darius took in those words, thinking about them for a moment before coming up with a reply.
"Then you aren't either. We're doing this together." Came Darius' reply. "Now, no more dad speeches, okay?" They both laughed and Darius' father nodded.
"Heh fair enough." His father replied after laughing. "Now, could you go fix those flowers for me, son?" He pointed over to the sunflowers in the vase that had been beginning to droop. Darius quickly nodded and walked over to the flowers, fixing them so that they were standing tall. Sunflowers were his fathers favorite, since they were so bright and they always faced the sun, even in the darkness. 
They were the same flowers that were placed on his grave when he passed. 

Darius woke up in a room similar to the hospital room his father had been in, a simple white room, with a few surfaces and lots of medical equipment. There were even sunflowers placed neatly in a vase on one of the surfaces by the door. He was wearing the same clothes from the day before, his yellow jacket and jeans. A smile appeared on the boys face, however it quickly disappeared when he remembered why he was there in the first place. He wasn't too worried about the actual incident, he was more worried about if he was going to get kicked out. Instinctively, he raised his hand up to his neck, trying to grab for his necklace. In times of doubt, it had always helped him calm down and keep track of his thoughts. 
It wasn't there.
Darius began to panic, feeling around his neck to see if it had just twisted around or something. Once he fully accepted that it wasn't there, his breathing picked up and he began to panic. What if he had lost it when they were being chased by Toro? What if someone took it? He needed that necklace back. 
His thoughts were quickly shaken away once Dave and Roxie burst into the room, worried expressions on their faces. The worry quickly fading away as they realized that he was awake and that he was alright. A deep sigh escaped Roxie's lips and she waled over to Darius, standing at the side of the hospital bed he was in. 
"Darius, I'm glad you're okay." She stated simply, placing her hand on the railing of the bed. The woman opened her mouth once more, her calm expression turning into a scowl, but thankfully, she was interrupted by the more positive counsellor. 
"D-man! It's great you're awake buddy!" Dave interrupted with a wide grin on his face. He acted like some sort of older brother. He high-fived Darius, the smile on his face not faltering whatsoever.  
"Can I uh.. Ask what happened?" The younger boy was nervous to ask that, as he didn't want to get scolded, but inevitably, it happened. 
"Well, we were going to ask you that question." Roxie began. "Did you just not feel the pain from that bite, or did you have another reason for not telling us about it?" She asked, her expression was confusing. It was a mix of annoyance and worry. 
"I uh..." The boy fumbled with his words, stuttering a bit as he spoke. "I didn't think it was that serious..."
"Darius, you're a dino-genius. I thought you would have known that Compy bites can be fatal." At this point, Roxie's expression was now more annoyed than anything else. Dave made an awkward hiss-like sound and thought about whether or not he should interject. 
"Well, on the bright side, he's alright!" Dave raised his hands in the air as if it was a huge victory. In all of their minds, it was. Compsognathus bites could be extremely fatal, and it's lucky that Darius didn't pass away. The teenager was grateful for the interruption, and let out a sigh of relief as Roxie's expression softened and her lips curved into a small smile. 
"I suppose so." Came her reply. Her tone was back to her regular, cheerful one. Darius seemed to have completely forgotten about his necklace in that moment, but when he lifted his hand to his neck once more, he remembered it and a look of worry blanketed his face. 
"Do you guys know what happened to my necklace?" He questioned, anxiousness filling his tone as he spoke. He desperately wanted his necklace back, it had become his most important belonging ever since his father had passed away. Roxie and Dave shot confused glances at each other for a moment, soon shifting their gazes back to Darius. After a moment of silence, it was as if a cartoon lightbulb appeared above Dave's head and he reached into his pocket. 
"This one?" He asked, pulling out the raptor tooth necklace that used to be hanging from Darius' neck. Darius lurched forward and happily took it from Dave's hands, a sigh of relief escaping from him. 
"Thank you!" Darius thanked, putting the necklace on and fixing its place to the middle of his chest. Dave nodded his head at him and smiled before looking down at the teenagers ankle, which was covered in bandages. Darius and Roxie both followed his gaze and Darius groaned as he remembered what had happened the day before; he desperately hoped that Kenji hadn't told anyone, especially the counselors, about what had happened with the Carnotaurus. 
"Alright, well... Do you think you're ready to head back to camp?" Roxie asked cautiously, not wanting to rush the injured boy. Darius thought for a moment and flicked his gaze from his ankle to Roxie continuously for a moment, allowing himself to think. Eventually, he nodded. 
"Yeah." He muttered with a confident smile. Dave and Roxie both nodded in agreement before helping him up off the bed. He inhaled sharply as he put pressure on his ankle and Roxie looked down at him with a worried expression.
"Are you sure you're ready?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Dave glanced over at her with a reassuring smile and Darius nodded once more. He leaned on the older male for support as they made their way outside to the jeep. 

Camp Catastrophe - A Camp Cretaceous rewrite.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora