Drabble 31: Chloe_Eaton24

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Dedicated to @Chloe_Eaton24

They had taken her against her will, all because they were unable to gain access to her also-gifted sister, Kitty Pryde.

Alexis squirmed against her rope bonds. Walls she could walk through but rope! Rope was her kryptonite.

She began to cry. Why did Ultron have to kidnap her?! She didn't want to have superpowers or be worth taking. She wanted to go home.

Her back hurt, aching from where she was sat on the floor. More tears dripped down her face and loud, uncontrollable sobs escaped her lips.

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared out of no where.

Alexis buried her face in her raised knees. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here.

"Are you..." the voice was closer now, Alexis sensed someone close to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" she screamed but then gasped when she saw the male who was knelt before her. He had silvery hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen. The man was undeniably handsome. So handsome in fact, that Alexis could feel a blush creeping onto her tear-stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry." he said in a very calm and measured voice, obviously not phased by her outburst.

More tears spilled. "Please," she pleaded. "I don't want to be here..." the female trailed off as the male wiped away her tears with the edge of his sleeve. The material was soft and his touch, so warm and gentle.

"I know." he nodded, seeming to understand her distress.

"Please let me go." Alexis said again, gasping between sobs, trying to catch her breath.

He looked so sad at her unhappiness. As if he actually cared. "I can't change his mind."

"But you can let me go!" she looked at Pietro with an intense, pleading gaze.

He frowned. "I..." he closed his mouth, looking at her thoughtfully for a moment. "How will you...how will you escape?"

"I can walk through walls." Alexis said with a straight face.

The silver-haired male sighed, glancing at the door behind him. The only door in and out of the cell. "Okay," his beautiful eyes focused back on Alexis, who had to suppress a cheer. "hold still."

He hastily untied her. Once free, Pietro offered her a hand up. She took it gratefully. Wiping the remaining tears from her eyes, Alexis sniffed. She was so unsure how to feel about this helpful stranger. "Thank you." she whispered.

"Get out of here, quickly. Before they notice you've gone." he smiled.

Alexis nodded, making her way towards the nearest wall.

"WAIT!" Pietro called.

The female turned towards him wearily, had he changed his mind?

"What's your name?" he asked, sheepishly.

She smiled, relieved. "Alexis, you?"


With a nod and a genuine smile, Alexis realised that the male was actually being kind to her. This wasn't a cruel trick, he was actually letting her go. "Goodbye, Pietro."

"Goodbye, Alexis. Maybe I'll see you in the future?"

"Days of future past." she said mysteriously.

A/N: I know, different Pietro Maximoff!

He grinned as he watched her leave. He had made the right decision. Maybe it was about time he and his sister also left Ultron behind?


Three Months Later.

She was in the nearest video rental, browsing in an aisle for a particular title she was searching for. Aha! 16 Blocks. A sudden gust of wind, blew her hair in her face. Brushing it out of the way, something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Alexis turned in it's direction and gasped. "You..."

There he was, Pietro from the cell.

He grinned cheekily, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't see that coming?"

Dropping the DVD, she raced to him, jumping into Pietro's awaiting arms. Without a seconds hesitation, she kissed him fully on the lips.

An elderly man with white hair and a matching moustache in the next aisle rolled his eyes. "Kids!"

A/N: Stan Lee cameo.

The End.

A/N: Thank you for your request. Please feel free to submit more imagine ideas!

P.S. Thank you for the views, votes and comments!

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