In God's Land We Go

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White, everything was white and fluffy “ HOW CAN WE BE SAILING ON TOP OF CLOUDS?!” asked the navigator and the captain chuckled “ Of course we sail on it, it’s just clouds.” he said like it was something completely obvious “ No, that’s impossible.” said Sanji, Zoro and Chopper” If we can sail do you think we can also swim in it?” you wondered aloud and Usopp got rid of his top and stood on top of the railing “ FOR MY FIRST BIG COURSE- CAPTAIN USOPP WILL SWIM!” he said and Sanji sighed “ Oi don’t fool around.” he scolded but the sniper paid him no mind “ A sea is a sea.” he dismissed before diving in “ Idiot. At least tie a rope around you.” you huffed pulling out a cigarette Sanji was more than happy to light it up for you.

” I think we should begin worrying.” you said putting out the cigarette and looking at the cloudy sea along with Luffy “ Just a thought but….Is there even sea floor?” wondered Robin “ You can’t possibly mean “ DID THAT IDIOT FALL FROM THE CLOUD?!” yelled Zoro as Luffy stretched his arm in the clouds “ I TOLD HIM TO NOT FOOL AROUND!” yelled Sanji and you got ready to jump in but Robin stopped you “ Extend your arm as far as you can. I’ll handle the rest.” she said and crossed her arms in front of her.

After spotting him Luffy began pulling the sniper back up “ You did it! You pulled him_SOMETHING FOLLOWED HIM!” yelled Nami as two huge creatures emerged after Usopp, you were quick to jump into action, you and Zoro slicing up the octopus that popped up like a ballon, Sanji had kicked the other creature unconscious. The sniper let out a scream “ WHAT IS IT NOW!?” yelled the cook fed up with his crewmate’s antics “ My pants, this was in my pants.” he sniffled showing you a flat fish.

” Robin took it from his hands “ This must be a sky fish then. It’s a strange creature described in Nolland’s diary.”explained the archeologist but before she could further examined it Sanji had already cooked it and Luffy was eating it “ Here try it!” said the captain giving you the plate, you took a bite “ Oh! It’s really tasty!” you said handing the plate to the navigator.

Chopper let out a sound of surprise and dropped his binoculars “ What’s wronged?” you asked the panicked reindeer “ THERE’S A BULL RUNNING IN A RENGTAGULAR CLOUD! THIS IS BAD!” he yelled in a panic “ Slow down I didn’t get any of that.” said Zoro and your eyes narrowed feeling a new presence. Someone wearing a mask jumped on the air “ Hey stop what’s your problem!?” called out Sanji “ Eliminate.” mumbled the man. In the blink of an eye the monster trio was taken down. 

You charged at the man blocking his kick aimed at your head “ NO DON’T HURT THEM!” yelled Aida and you felt her grabbing your hand, for some reason the man didn’t attack you again and you thought you found an opening to shove him back. Just as you pushed him he grabbed you and threw you out of the Merry and into the cloudy sea “ ( Y/N)!” yelled Nami and Chopper and you swam up coughing out the water that had entered your mouth. Your attacker jumped up and aimed what seemed like a bazooka at the ship.

” THAT’S ENOUGH!” yelled someone, a man dressed as a knight came to your rescue, the attacker retreated but not before throwing you one last glance” WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT LET ME ATTACK!?” you yelled at the spirit “ They were not going to hurt you! We can’t hurt under no circumstances!” she said and she seemed like she was about to cry “ HEY! Can you climb up? Are you hurt?” yelled Zoro tossing you a rope “ I’m good!” you said taking hold of it and climbing back up the ship.

Sadly or thankfully you had lost the knight’s explanation about the other ways to get there, a whistle was tossed on deck “ Blow this whistle once, using the currency of the sky each whistle would cost you 5 million extol.” he said and you raised your hand “ How much is that in berries? I was never good at the different measurement stuff.” you said and the knight looked at you in surprise “ You….never mind. Your first whistle is a gift from me. Blow it when you’re in trouble.” he said and you felt a bit uneasy at how he stared at you “ Do you know this guy?” you whispered to the spirit “ No but the one in the mask was Sandorian.” she said and looked at the knight with suspicion. The knight begun to leave “ We don’t even know your name!” called out Nami “ I would be Gan Fall, the Knight of The Sky. And this is my partner Pierre.” he introduced and the bird.

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