Sweet Deals

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You blinked trying to adjust your eyesight, the fact that you were being carried snapped you back to reality ' Ah that's  right...' you thought hearing the an speak ' I got my ass whooped.' you thought quickly bringing your knee to the man's  face as hard as you could. Feeling his grip loosen you jumped away grabbing your swords and pulling the blades out " How troublesome. Still I can't  let you get away." he said putting the den-den mushi back in his pocket and pointing a finger at you, it felt like a bullet had pierced threw your leg and you gritted your teeth  glaring at the man's  now bloody finger " Don't  worry. Doffy said to not leave any permenat damage." he said and flinched feeling the pressure coming from you ' Haoshoku Haki.' he thought feeling his legs ready to give out as ge stared at your glaring eyes behind his glasses. 

" That damned bird again?!" you spat launching forward, the man quickly pulled out his bamboo rode and influenced it Haki blocking your attack, you let out of the swords loose grabbing it from the chain and throwing it his way. He titled his head to the side and smashed his fist on your jaw sending you flying up, in the blink of an eye he was above you rode raised and slamming you down to the ground, as the smoke cleared he saw that you had blocked it with your blades, the ground behind you broken. You kicked him off you the man fell on one  knee feeling the pressure  of your Haki again,  with a swift motion you were behind him putting your blades back, blood started sipping threw his clothes " Tell that stupid chicken I ain't  interested." you said putting a cigarette  in your mouth  as Vergo fell to the ground.

Izo was shaken awake " You! Thank goodness you're  awake!" said the strawberry  haired woman " I remember you from my island. You're  with the Whitebeard pirates." she said and Izo nodded trying to sit up " Take it easy. The poison can be a lot to handle." said Rosetta helping him keep steady " Is ( Y/n) here?" he asked looking around the room " He only brought you." she replied and the man gritted his teeth " Is there a chance that Arsen send you?" asked the woman with hope in her eyes. The pirate felt like.if he lied she would instantly  know so he said the truth and she laughed " That man truly is hopeless without me." she said tears gathering in her eyes " So I have to hurry back to him." she said and Izo placed a hand on her shoulder " Don't  worry. We'll  help you get out of here." he said and she nodded.

You limped into town and found yourself at the port " Damn that bastard he did a number on me." you groaned using a crate as support yourself. You were met with large round eyes and even a larger grin with sharp teeth " My my you look in a pinch." said the woman as you inspected her, she had fuchsia shoulder length hair and she was quiet tall, her mouth was full of sharp teeth and she wore a panda what on her head " Yea kinda. Love the hat." you said and her eyes sparkled " I'm  taking you with me." she said picking you up like you were a teddy bear " Let's  talk a bit more.~" we said and you sweatdropped feeling like there was no room for you to decline.

" Mufufufufu are you alright partner?" asked the man from the other line of the den den mushi " Yes. She did not cut deap enough to kill me." said Vergo a he stitched his wound " Sorry Doffy. I shouldn't have let her go." he said " She beat you, you didn't  let her go." said Donflamingo " Ah that's  right." said Vergo and his boss laughed hearing the irritation in his voice " Don't  worry  partner. I'll  find another way to get her." said the Shichibukai.

" Nii-san how are we going to do this?" asked the pinkhaired girl " Should we launch a full attack on the island?" asked another woman who greatly resembled her " I would appropriate  if you didn't  do that." you said from your spot in the chair you were tied up at " You just stay quiet! Poured why did you bring a member of the Whitebeard Pirates here!?" asked the woman with horns on her head " She just looked so fragile and cute at the side of the port and she said she liked my hat." said the Sharpe teethed woman as her older sister scolded her " I still haven't  understood if I'm  a guest or a captive." you said and the two sisters turned to you " Guest/Captive." they replied only to start arguing again.

You let out a sigh " Look I don't  want to make you two cute ladies fight and I also have business to attend to. Poire-san we can chat again after all of this is over." you said and the woman frowned " The buisnes  can wait right?!" she said " Just leave her." said her sister " That's  why you have no friends! Because you're  oh so gloomy!" said Poire and the two started arguing again. Looking at your shoes you flinched feeling a huge shadow cover you and looked up " Why are the Whitebeard pirates here? This is the Charlotte  family's territory." he said looking at you straight in the eye, you opened your mouth to speak and the man backed away " I see how it is. So you came here to rescue someone." he said and your eyes widen. You were about to ask if he could read minds " No. It's  Haki." he replied and your eyes shined " THAT'S  SO COOL!" you said and the two women were quickly on his side.

" That's  right. Katakuri-nii-san is the strongest." said Poire " He has never lost a battle or laid on his back." said Gallete both overflowing with pride " Then how do you sleep? Sideways? Or face on the mattress? You couldn't  possibly be sitting that would be too uncomfortable." you asked and Gallete scolded you " What questions are these? You can't  possibly be asking someone such private things." she said and you looked up at the man again  " So. We both want that marine off our shoulders. So how about we work together on it?" you asked and Katakuri looked down at you with narrowed eyes " Why? You may need our help but we certainly  don't  need yours." he said and you smirked " You know the past few days I have done some digging around and there is a rumour about a treasure. That man's  obsession  with Rosetta is-" " Because she knows were it is." he finished your sentence " And you know too somehow." he said and you nodded  " So how about it. In exchange for your help I will pay you with the treasure. I don't care about who the island belongs too I just don't  want you to torment the people." you said and Poire looked up at her brother with a pleading look while Gallete was doubtful.

Katakuri  raised up his weapon and with a swift move cut your bounds " I will agree to this." he said looking from his younger sister to you. Poire picked you up again " This is exciting! I can't  wait to see how you'll  do in battle!" she said her grin stretching, the other two left the room while you chatted with the girl " With all do respect but why agree? We could find the treasure ourselves. Is it for Poire?" asked Gallete  " Yes and that woman seems rather interesting." replied Katakuri casting a look at you as the door closed.

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