A Monster Has Appeared

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You shivered from the cold but get climbing, Kotatsu right next to you, the animal let out a growl when you slipped holding you from the sash so you wouldn't fall to your death, his growl made some snow drop and you realized that you shouldn't make any sounds. The snow kept falling thicker and thicker and you stopped seeing no road up ahead ' Damnit now what?' you thought feeling awfully worn out, you panted heavily, Kotatsu bumped his head on you and you turned to see what he wanted, he gave you a worried gaze and you wiped the sweat that had gathered on your forhead , the animal pointed with his snout to a very small entrance and you narrowed your eyes and he gave you another bump " Kotatsu you're the best!" you said seeing the small flower and running towards the entrance. Squeezing threw you entered the small cave and sat down for a bit, Kotatsu let out a worried growl " Don't worry buddy I'm just-" he let out a louder growl and started licking part of your hand " Hey! HEY STOP IT!" you said pushing him aside and seeing the blue spot on your skin. Kotatsu looked at you with teary eyes and you pulled his whiskers softly " What are you crying for dummy? We found the flowers, lets fill the baskets and get them back. Then Deuce and Marco should be able to heal us all in no time." you said.

  A hall full of cravings was laying out before you, getting up you started walking forward you gathered every little flower you found and placed them in the baskets that Kotatsu wore, as you walked further and further the space became more and you found yourselves in an open field covered with the flowers, random huge pillars and parts of walls were scattered around the area and the top was open showing you a clear night sky. You took a step forward before collapsing, Kotatsu run to you and tried to pull you up with his teeth, putting your hands on the ground you pushed yourself up " It's fine...we got to hurry. Thatch and Deuce are at the cave freezing...and Marco is back to the ship...treating everyone by himself." you huffed and started gathering, occasionally Kotatsu would push you up when he saw that you were about to fall.

Suddenly you had began to feel better " Maybe it's the exposure to the flowers?" you thought dropping some in the basket and filling it up completely, Kotatsu shrunk to himself and let out a hiss " Hey what's wrong?" you asked patting his head but the animal kept hissing at the open sky " Is there a storm coming? What's wrong?" you asked. You narrowed your eyes up to the sky trying to see anything out of the ordinary " Is something...falling?" you mumbled seeing a black silhouette coming closer and closer. Eyes widening in pure terror you shoved Kotatsu to the side, smoke and derbies covered everything, you pulled out one of your blades cutting a rock in half before it crashed you, your eyes narrowed as the giant moved ' His at least 7 meters tall!' you thought pulling out the other blade. Kotatsu started pulling you by your sash as tears run down his eyes " Go. You have to take the medicine to Marco!" you said grabbing the animal and jumping closer to the   exit as the enemy moved his hand to stand up almost crashing you, the animal refused and you nervously gulped as you looked up.

" Ah damnit...again I couldn't die." he boomed and you blinked in surprise ' That was a suicide attempt? From where did he fall the clouds?' you thought as Kotatsu kept pulling you. Finally sensing your presence the giant man looked down and you felt the intensity in the air 'Haoshoku Haki! Strong Haoshoku!' you thought activating your own to protect the animal behind you, you gritted your teeth feeling your feet give out but you stood your ground and shoved Kotatsu threw the exit tearing your sash " Go!" you yelled barely avoiding the upcoming fist, you rolled on the ground and your companion got ready to come to you but you raised a trembling hand up " Take the medicine to them! Thatch is dying in the cave! Think about your other friends as well!" you said and the animal took a hesitant step back. You smiled at the animal " I'll be right behind you and when everyone is healed up I'll treat you to the biggest piece of meat on the ship." you said giving Kotatsu a thumbs up, the animal looked at your trembling hand and flushed face before turning around and running.

The exit was blocked since the man used it to support himself " Damnit, my back hurts." he said and all the pressure that you were feeling disappeared " Kid." he said and you gulped " Do you have any booze?" he asked and you blinked in surprise " W-what?" you asked taken aback " Didn't you hear me!? Booze!" he said and leaned down making you take a step back. The black haired man looked at you up and down, his eyes widen for a second before they shrunk again " Another one of you crazies." he said and you stared at him before it clicked in your head ' Is this guy a traveler? But he doesn't give the same aura as the other two...' you though planting your feet to the ground ' I don't think I can fight him in this shape....heck I don't think I could fight him even when I'm well.' you thought as the man cracked his neck " Come. I'll be taking you back with me." he said and you narrowed your eyes " Sorry but no can do. I have no idea who you are and you have almost crashed me to death 5 times already." you said and the man smirked.

" I am Kaido." he said and waited for your reaction but you just titled your head to the side " Nice to....meet you?" you asked and the man frowned " I don't own you any explaining! You're coming with me! Carrier of Destiny!" he yelled and you jumped away from his hand that was coming your way " LIKE HELL I AM! CARRIER OF DESTINY MY FUCKING ASS!" you yelled jumping at the top of a pillar " WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD JUST SPOUTING NONSENSE WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATIONS!" you yelled lifting your swords up to block an upcoming attack. Your body collided with the wall and you felt like every bone in your body shuttered, you fell on your knees and used your blades to push yourself up ' This guy...is a monster.' you thought turning your head to the side and spitting some blood, Kaido raised an eyebrow in amusement " Hey old man." you said glaring up at him " If you want to die so badly, how about I make this place your grave?" you asked and he laughed " WORORORORO! Your kind always puts up an interesting fight. Let's see what you can do." he said.

Deuce let out a yell of surprise and happiness when he saw Kotatsu with the baskets full " You made it! Where is ( Y/n)?" asked the blue haired male and then the whole mountain shook " An earthquake again?" he asked and he quickly picked up Thatch " Hurry! Hurry! We got to get out of here before we get stuck!" he called and the animal followed him out and down the mountain. The doctor kept asking about you but the animal didn't answer only cried silently, as they neared the boat a loud sound was heard and Deuce turned to look at the top of the mountain, his eyes widen as the top exploded leaving behind nothing but a burning crate, his eyes moved from the destruction to the sobbing animal " No...." he mumbled gritting his teeth and shaking his head. He didn't have time to mourn or cry as Thatch let out a pained groan and he reminded himself that he had other priorities ' This can wait.' he thought whipping a few stray tears ' Maybe it isn't even necessary. Yea she must be fine....she's always...' he shook his head and climbed the boat.

' This guy.' you thought as darkness started clouding your vision ' This guy is a fucking monster.' you thought as the man stared and the small scratch at the tip of his finger " Good." he said staring down at you. You were still standing up, body clenched and eyes rolled at the back of your head while your mouth was stretched into a pained snarl " She passed out standing." he mumbled to himself before laughing loudly and taking hold of you " You are coming back to Onigashima with me." he stated even though you couldn't hear a thing.

" WE GOT THE MEDICINE!" yelled Deuce entering the infirmary with Thatch on his back and Kotatsu next to him with the baskets full, the blond male and the nurses cheered and quickly got to work. Once everyone had gotten a shot their recovery was quick, some even went back to their duties, Ace was still laying in bed and he saw Kotatsu laying at the corner of the room crying while holding something in his mouth " Hey. What happened boy? What you got there?" asked the commander and the animal slowly approached. Ace's eyes widen as he took hold of the ( f/c)  fabric with the crew Jolly Roger on it, he stood there just staring at it before he turned to Deuce who was boiling more of the flowers " Deuce. Where is ( Y/n)?" he asked and his friend froze on the spot. Marco who was just a little further away looked at him waiting for an answer since he hadn't seen you enter the infirmary, the blue haired male bit his lip and lower his head shoulders shacking " She...didn't come back with us." he said closing his eyes shut.

Ace had shot up from the bed running to the side of the ship that his boat was kept but was held back by Marco " ACE CALM DOWN YOU HAVEN'T RECOVERED YET!" yelled the blond while the freckled male fought to get out of his grip and screamed at him to let go. The commotion alerted the others who came to see what was happening, Marco pinned Ace to the ground " STOP IT! I'M WORRIED AS WELL BUT YOU CAN'T JUST RUN OFF LIKE THAT!" he yelled and the other male gritted his teeth. Vista came forward separating the two and holding them apart " WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR!?" he asked and Ace looked at the ground " ( Y/n)...didn't come back." he mumbled.

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