Crock VS Crook

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Carue run threw the battlefield, the dusk cried as a stray bullet hit him, the princess called his name and the poor animal just groaned when it was hit again, once he managed to get you out of the battle the animal collapsed. Tears started gathering in Vivi's eyes, he quacked out and you didn't need Chopper to understand that he was telling you to go on.  The Okama had finally caught up to you " Go, I'll deal with him." you said taking your blades out " But...your arms!" said the princess seeing a few drops of blood sip threw your bandages " Must have been from the dressing change. Don't mind that now and just go." you said.

Mr.3 didn't manage to get to you, three ducks hitting him and sending him rolling away " I see you ladies are alright, well done commander Carue, you're a real man." said a familiar voice " Sanji!" said the princess surprised " I'm fine, just look after Carue!" said Vivi at the two other birds " ( Y/n)-swan please go on ahead. You can leave the Okama to me." said the cook and you nodded with a small smile " You better win, because if you don't that cool air you have now would have been for nothing." you said and the blond's eyes quickly turned to hearts " You really mean that! Do you really think I'm cool?" he asked swirling around " Yea, yea. Now fight him boy!" you said turning around and grabbing Vivi's hand.

The two of you run as fast as you could, the princess tripping from time to time " HALT!" yelled the soldiers stationed in front of the palace " ARE YOU PART OF THE REBELS? PAST HERE IS THE ROYAL PALACE!" said another guard as Vivi tried to catch her breath, she raised her head " PRINCESS VIVI!?" they all yelled in surprise " Please take us to Chaka! There is something I need him to do!" she commanded. You were escorted into the palace yard and Vivi explained her plan to a man resembling a jackal " ARE YOU SERIOUS PRINCESS VIVI! IF WE DID THAT THEN...."  " Then what? Alabasta would come to an end? This palace is not Alabasta!" huffed Vivi and then grabbed the man " The people of Alabasta are fighting each other as we speak! IT IS THEIR VERY EXISTANCE THAT ALLOWS ALABASTA TO BE A KINGDOM, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! IF WE COULD JUST STOP THE FIGHTING FOR EVEN A FEW SECONDS! JUST A FEW SECONDS TO DRAW EVERYONES ATTENTION THAT IS ALL I NEED! JUST LEAVE WHAT COMES AFTER TO ME! SO PLEASE! DESTROY THE PALACE!" she yelled sending the soldiers into a frenzy, Chaka bowed down " We shall do as you say!" he answered and silence fell over.

You followed them to the roof of the palace " I never asked who you were nor thank you for brining the princess back." said the commander " She's the Queen of Dressrosa, ( Y/n)-san." said Vivi and you cringed at the title " Don't call me that." you hissed out as Chaka gave you a light bow " Your Highness, I deeply thank you-" " Don't call me that!" you barked eyebrow teaching. Leaving the duo to catch up you sat against a pillar inspecting your shaky hands ' I have pushed them too much, the collisions from my fight with Crocodile and the push back of firing the bullets has strained them. Just a little longer and then I'll rest.' you thought closing your eyes. They snapped open feeling a familiar presence just as a bloody guard run out " Vivi!" you called going to run to her only for a sandy wall to block your path " My,my how troublesome..." said the Shichibukai and you looked above finding him sitting at a railing " Your actions are quiet unbecoming of royalty. This place will soon be my home you know?" he said moving his gaze from you to the princess " Palaces are wonderous  places, kuhahaha. There is no better place to look down on the filthy rabble." he laughed.

Limbs wrapped around your throat and arms keeping you trapped, you glared at the black haired woman who chuckled at your expression " WHERE'S LUFFY?!" yelled the princess as Crocodile came down " Oh? Didn't I mention he's dead already?" asked Crocodile and you wiggled around trying to free yourself " YOU'RE LYING! THERE IS NOE WAY HE COULD EVER BE KILLED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!" screamed Vivi " You can think whatever you want." said the man standing next to you " But don't even think that I will spare you or your father. When a kingdom falls the royal family should perish with it. But before I replace you on the throne I have to ask you one question Cobra. Where is Pluton?" he asked making you raise an eyebrow " The planet?"  you asked but your question fell to deaf ears.

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